Wednesday, October 11, 2023



The month of October.

The changing of color and season.

This month is the time of the year when the temperatures are almost perfect and the transformation of the color of leaves on the trees begins. 

I'm considering posting pictures of trees this month to capture the color transformation of the trees. 

Friday, September 29, 2023


Our ability to reason is what separates us from the animals. Animals function on instinct, which is built in by God.  On the other hand, we can think through daily situations.  The wonderment we experience takes us deeper into the thought of creation and interacting with those around us. Reason can also be detrimental to our healthy being when it is interrupted by mental illness or drugs.  We probably have all taken this ability for granted because it's there; it's part of our process like your heart beating.  

Take a moment to thank God for your reasoning ability. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Next Big Thing?

What is the next big thing to happen?
There is so much going on now in the world.  The number of events happening is hard to track, and these are not from a local viewpoint.  

What am I referring to? 

The tension in Europe with the threat of World War III

AI - artificial intelligence, no one really knows how to control it. 

In the United States - there is a massive influx of people from all over the world crossing our southern border. The last reports are 10,000 crossing daily. 

The immorality of society. 

The financial markets are down. 

Rumors of food shortages in the winter. 

How does anyone prepare for any of this? 

Some things are not in our control, while others we can do. The more important matter here is to pray.  We can ask God to help us during these difficult times for help. Praying is not difficult; it's just a conversation with God. Sometimes, we do all the talking; sometimes, God does, but we must be open to hearing Him.  

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Proverbs 4:10-19

The Two Ways

Hear, my son, and receive my words,

and the years of your life shall be many.

On the way of wisdom I direct you,

I lead you on straight paths.

When you walk, your step will not be impeded,

and should you run, you will not stumble.

Hold fast to instruction, never let it go;

keep it, for it is your life.

The path of the wicked do not enter,

nor walk in the way of the evil;

Shun it, do not cross it,

turn aside from it, pass on.

For they cannot rest unless they have done evil;

if they do not trip anyone they lose sleep.

For they eat the bread of wickedness

and drink the wine of violence.

But the path of the just is like shining light,

that grows in brilliance till perfect day.

The way of the wicked is like darkness;

they do not know on what they stumble.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Illegal Invasion

Most of the time, I will look at the various news feeds to find articles. But yesterday, I watched several videos of trains on their way to the US border with hundreds or probably thousands of illegals on board to make their way to eventually cross over into the United States.  This is an absolute invasion of the United States. The term invasion means they are coming here illegally to take over this country. The only difference between this and a military take-over is these are not organized military units with commanders leading the charge to take over.  But it still holds true the United States is being overrun.  Our social systems will be overburdened, costing the U.S. taxpayer millions to pay for someone illegally here.  

I come from a long history within my family of immigrants coming to the U.S., but they came here legally. This country has always been built on the foundation of people from other countries from the early days of the English colonists. We are the melting pot of the world.  But the one thing that should be absolutely enforced is the legal process of entry.

Follow the link for the new story 

Mexico railway halts train operations after viral video showing migrants riding to the US ( 

Photo - pixabay - 12019 

Monday, September 18, 2023

The Stuff

We go through a lifetime of gathering stuff.  The stuff is the things you buy in the stores that are non-food items. At some point, we all buy things that get our attention. And we go through the phases of the stuff that caught our eye to be discarded or put into a closet and forgotten about. Not all folks have this luxury.  We all have to think of those who do not have those things some of us take for granted; with that said, if you happen to be cleaning out your closet, think about the stuff you might give away because it could be a true treasure to someone who doesn't.  

We all must try to keep in focus where our true treasures are.

Treasure in Heaven. 

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal.
But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

Matthew 6: 19-21 


Thursday, September 14, 2023

The State of New Mexico Governor

The governor of the State of New Mexico recently stated a proclamation to put into effect a temporary ban on concealed and open-carry firearms in public. 

This is a direct attack on the 2nd Amendment. She is facing backlash, and rightly so; I believe this is just another way for the Democrats to "test the waters." How much can they say or do to add to the liberal agenda? The interesting thing about this is that the only people it will affect are the law-abiding citizens.  Does anyone really believe the criminals are going to follow the law? The answer: of course not.  If criminals followed the law, they would not be criminals. Plain and simple.

For more information on this story follow the link below:

"Controversial Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico recently made headlines for placing a temporary ban on concealed and open carry of firearms in public." (American Insider)

Enraged Democrat Governor Says She Doesn’t Need Sheriff’s ‘Lecture’ on Constitutionality (

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Forever Changed

Following up on my last post.

In the last few days, the world experienced a catastrophic earthquake in Morocco, and we in the United States were reminded of the 9/11 attacks. 

The world is an ever-changing place from one day to the next. One minute, our daily routines are all set in motion, and the next minute, the world, as you know, is changed forever.  

We should all think that our lives could drastically change forever any day. We should thank God every morning that we made it to another day. Just as the people in Morocco and those in New York City on 9/11 all started their day thinking it would be the usual daily routine. Their lives were changed forever. Prepare your soul now.

Lord, we pray for all those in Morocco who lost loved ones and for healing those who lost loved ones in New York.

Photo - pixabay - ELG21 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

An Unstable World

Over the last year, more and more reports have come out about war among the world's superpowers.

This is of great concern because it is not only because of the loss of life for those fighting in it but also affects those not involved. These superpower countries all have one thing in common. In multiple ways, they depend on one another, especially in manufacturing. No country is entirely independent. Although the United States should be completely independent from other countries. But those decisions have already been made, and nothing can be done now. 

The effects of a global war will severely affect underdeveloped countries, the poor, those with medical issues, and the elderly. The only thing we can do is to prepare for the worst-case scenario. First, get right with God. Second, prepare as much as possible with food, medical supplies, or anything you need if the supply chain is shut down. 

Also, follow current news as much as possible. We cannot know when it will actually happen, but it will be soon.

Photo - pixabay - Zaimful

Saturday, September 2, 2023

A Reality Check in Washington D.C.

Our lawmakers' mental and physical ability in Washington has reached a point where someone has to step up and make some decisions. If a House or Senate member is not physically or mentally capable of doing their job, they should leave the office.

If anyone in any occupation has moments of a mental freeze or has turned their decision-making ability over to a power of attorney. They would be asked to leave. We have heard the term career politician, but this doesn't mean a lifetime politician, meaning they are in office until they die.

Politicians, especially the ones in D.C., should be under term limits and be subject to evaluations if they show signs of any decline. These positions represent thousands of people in America, and they are passing laws that affect us.

If you live in a State and you question the capabilities of your representative, you should vote them out. Don't vote for them because they have always been in office; this hurts our nation. 

Make a reality check on who represents you!

Photo - pixabay - WOKANDAPIX

Friday, September 1, 2023


The month of the beginning of the Fall season.

This is one of my favorite months of the year. The cooler temperatures, harvesting, and the changing color of the trees. The last few months have been hot, to say the least. I'm looking forward to working outside more because once we come to the winter months, we will retreat indoors and hibernate until spring.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Super Full Moon 2


Picture number two from last night.

Taken with a mobile phone camera.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Super Full Moon


The Super Blue Full Moon 

This was taken last night. I'm hoping to capture a better picture tonight. My understanding is the next one will be eight years from now.

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Holy Spirit

Some thoughts on the Holy Spirit.

First, The Holy Trinity - all in one

    The Father

    The Son

    The Holy Spirit

God revealed himself in the Old Testament, and as years passed, He brought into the world His Son, who fulfilled the prophecy revealed in the Old Testament. Jesus was born, died, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven. And now the world waits for His return.

So, is that it? 

No, because we have God, the Father, And Jesus, our Savior, with us daily. How is this possible? The Trinity is three in one. Once Christ ascended into Heaven, he did not leave us. The Holy Spirit came to Mary and the Apostles and has been with us ever since. The Holy Spirit works in our lives daily, just as Christ did. 

Something to think about.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Psalm 103


Of David.


Bless the LORD, my soul;

all my being, bless his holy name!


Bless the LORD, my soul;

and do not forget all his gifts,


Who pardons all your sins,

and heals all your ills,


Who redeems your life from the pit,

and crowns you with mercy and compassion,


Who fills your days with good things,

so your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.



The LORD does righteous deeds,

brings justice to all the oppressed.


He made known his ways to Moses,

to the Israelites his deeds.


Merciful and gracious is the LORD,

slow to anger, abounding in mercy.


He will not always accuse,

and nurses no lasting anger;


He has not dealt with us as our sins merit,

nor requited us as our wrongs deserve.



For as the heavens tower over the earth,

so his mercy towers over those who fear him.


As far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our sins from us.


As a father has compassion on his children,

so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.


For he knows how we are formed,

remembers that we are dust.


As for man, his days are like the grass;

he blossoms like a flower in the field.


A wind sweeps over it and it is gone;

its place knows it no more.


But the LORD’s mercy is from age to age,

toward those who fear him.

His salvation is for the children’s children


of those who keep his covenant,

and remember to carry out his precepts.



The LORD has set his throne in heaven;

his dominion extends over all.


Bless the LORD, all you his angels,

mighty in strength, acting at his behest,

obedient to his command.


Bless the LORD, all you his hosts,

his ministers who carry out his will.


Bless the LORD, all his creatures,

everywhere in his domain.

Bless the LORD, my soul!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

An Overnight Star

I will chime in on the latest music sensation, Oliver Anthony. 

I will not go through a detailed analysis of him and his music. But I will say that the song appeals to the conservatives, and I'm sure somewhere, someone will turn his overnight popularity into some kind of prejudice about certain groups of people, and he will be canceled. And because he has not signed onto a major record label, the liberals will go after him to shut him up because he is spreading the truth.  

Here is the music video. You decide. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Out of Routine

Disrupting a daily routine is one thing, but when it goes on every day for weeks, it can be stressful. We all have moments when this happens, and the stress can be overwhelming because our standard mode of daily business has been replaced by something else.  It's sometimes unavoidable. 

And the only way to drive through it is to take one day at a time. Anticipating what might happen next only causes more stress, which is easier said than done because our minds constantly try to resolve issues.

Stay focused on the day and tackle issues as they arise.

And always pray to the Lord for help.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023



The month of August is the hot month of the year. It is a time of harvest and State Fairs.

If I had to pick my least favorite month, it would be August. So, there is not much to say beyond this point.