Friday, December 17, 2021


 Merry Christmas

In past blog entries at this time of the year I will go on my rants about those who spend large amounts their money on gifts for Christmas. Well, this year it seems the supply line has at least sent a wave of panic to those in the Christmas rush. The supply chain crisis has hit most business with shortages and there doesn't seem to be an end anytime soon.

Now is the time for the world to re-focus and get their priorities in order.  Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ.  The focus on the material gathering of the latest new gifts is not what Jesus wants us to aim for in the month of his birth. He came into this world to give us the greatest gift - the love of the Son of God, who came to saves us from the evil of everyday life.  If we would just listen to his words and apply it to our life - this is the best gift anyone could receive.

Take time this month to pray, read the Bible and give thanks.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

What direction?


There seems to be some confusion about what direction the United States has in overall policies.

We hear in the media about how well the economy is going, and a 3 trillion dollar infrastructure package will not cost anything, and the crisis at our southern border is not an issue.

But we can see that it is not true, just going to the grocery store or the gas pump, the economy is in the worst shape since the Carter presidency. The massive spending our government is doing is out of control.  And who is going to pay for all of this?  the American people, either on the front end for the cost of supplies and services or in taxes.

But their could possibly be some hope to all of this but not without some long-term fight to stop this insane spending. Americans are going to have to really feel the cost and how its hits their monthly budgets.  I think most believe this is temporary and will be over soon.  I predict this situation will continue till the end of 2022.  Businesses are struggling with supply chain, and getting people to work (another topic in a later post) So, here is the hope, once we reach as a country the pain threshold of economic disaster. I believe democrats and republicans will agree and ousts the politician's that cause this mess. It will be hard because those politicians have been in office for a longtime and will not give up their political strong hold on our country.

2022 is the key to unlock the chains we are currently under and that key is to vote out those radical left socialist.

Vote to get our country going in the right direction.          



Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Film Noir


Definition: The term Film noir is French for 'black film or 'dark film was first applied to Hollywood films by French critic Nino Frank in 1946 is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and motivations.

November in the social media world is Noirvember month dedicated to recognizing this era in movies.

I have been a fan of the classic movies with a focus on those produced from 1930 to the mid 1960's. 

So, here is my top ten Film Noir movies.

  1. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
  2. His Kind of Woman (1951)
  3. Key Largo (1948)
  4. Criss Cross (1949)
  5. White Heat (1949)
  6. Too Late for Tears (1949)
  7. The Wrong Man (1956)
  8. The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
  9. D.O.A. (1949)
  10. High Sierra (1941)




Tuesday, November 2, 2021



I heard the other day, Biden is reducing the tariff on steel making it cheaper for foreign countries to import into the United States.  But when Trump was in office he increased the tariff making it more expensive to import.

So, which is better? Tariff or No Tariff

The United States needs to become more independent on goods and services.  We should not have to rely on foreign countries for things we can easily produce here.  When we rely on the import of goods we become dependent and that is not what makes us America.  We should be free to live and prosper in our capitalists' society.  We as Americans should only buy American made products, this creates more jobs, inspires new businesses and again makes us independent from foreign countries.

We are in the mist of a supply chain crisis that is only going to get worst. We could have fixed the problem but we are a little late on are response. If we had only been proactive in creating more products here but that's not the case.

How do we fix it?

Stop buying foreign products now, you will probably pay more for American made but in the long-run it will create more jobs, the price will eventually come down, and we can rid ourselves of this dependence on foreign countries.

Capitalism works only if we buy American.  

Buy local and buy often.

 Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay 


Friday, October 22, 2021

The Response


The response to the madness of proposals from the liberals' in Washington should be countered with an aggressive response from the conservatives.  Yesterday, Biden made the statement in a townhall meeting, that he didn't care about our freedoms just wants us to get vaccinated.  

Freedom is what its all about, it is the foundation of our country we have the right to choose - to take the jab or not. People should not have to decide to either lose their job or take the shot. This president is dividing our country, not uniting it.  I believe he has an agenda to completely change the course of the future of the United States.

Conservatives, Speak up now !!    

Wednesday, October 20, 2021



Webster's Dictionary definition:


man·​date | \ ˈman-ˌdāt  \

Definition of mandate (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1to administer or assign (something, such as a territory) under a mandate
2to officially require (something) make (something) mandatory ORDERa law mandating recyclingalso to direct or require (someone) to do somethinga commission mandated to investigate corruption
The mandates for the vaccine are a direct attack on our freedom.  If you are vaccinated or not everyone should be outraged.  It is one thing to suggest to the American people to get the jab, but when it becomes a requirement to the point of people being fired from their jobs this is the attack on our freedom of choice and the move towards Marxism.
The mandate is official on November 9, 2021
What is the next mandate? 

Image by Larry White from Pixabay 

Monday, October 18, 2021

The City

 I have always lived in the suburbs of the city of Nashville TN. I remember the days when it was considered a small town with only one skyscraper and for many years it stayed the same.  Sometime in the mid 80's it began to transform into the major city that it is today.

So, why the post about the city?

The grow of Nashville almost seems to be out of control. Construction of new business buildings as well as apartments and condos are almost monthly and along with all of this brings people. 

Nashville in the early years before has always been a nice place to visit with southern hospitality as the main greeting. But as more people move here from larger cities they bring their culture and customs with them and try to change Nashville to conform to their pervious hometown.

But, that's is not the way it works. If people are moving here they should learn the Nashville way. There is no possible way for the city to conform to whatever city one might come from because its to many people.  At one time, 100 people were moving to Nashville on a daily basis.  I know there is no way to stop this its just my opinion.

Image by Garrett Hill from Pixabay       

Thursday, October 14, 2021


Our country is very divided and in many ways.  

First, the obvious political parties, Second, vaccinated or not vaccinated. Third, mask or no mask.

Theses three issues are in the news everyday since the pandemic started in March 2020.  It seemed at some point in the first few months we were all united. But since the vaccines came out, clear lines have divided the country.  I believe it is going to get worst as we get closer to the fall and winter months. But as of this month there is a trend, some states are seeing a decrease in infections. I not sure if this is an indicator of the end or its quite before the storm.

I believe this pandemic will end one day and we will need to look back at our history to see what we did right and wrong, because those who forget their past are condemned to repeat it. This virus came quick and has last a long time.  What will be the next event and more importantly will we still be divided?  

Monday, August 30, 2021

Political Failure

In the news recently the evacuation of Afghanistan has been a tragedy for the military and the reputation the United States has as a world leader for freedom.  

In my opinion, the current administration has failed to protect its citizens and military in Afghanistan. I known that anything the government does is not perfect no matter which political party is in office.  But, this even in the eyes of the rest of the world is a complete failure, lives have been lost because of bad planning. I'm very concerned in the next few weeks it is only going to get worst.  The final day for evacuations is August 31, after that day anyone left behind will be on their own. America has never abandon there citizens.  My hope is somehow the two parties will come to an agreement about policies in the Afghan region. I know this is an extreme stretch of hopefulness but it is the only way.  The current political environment is not seeing the unfolding of a disaster that will ripple across America and making it a target to enemy's of the United States. I pray for peace and the safe return of Americans and those who helped the military during the war.    

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 An emotion that could completely control you. It is normal to have it if not we would probably not exist because we would be going into danger and not thinking of the consequences of our actions.

I believe we have to understand our limits to this emotion and that takes courage. Courage and fear go together because one without the other could end in bad results.  Everybody's level of fear is different, it depends on your life experiences, your age, and your emotional fitness. Based on those experiences will indicate how we tackle fear. We need to keep all this in mind when we see fear in others. It might seem trivial to us but it could be terrifying to them.  I not sure what the answer would be to help those in fear without the courage element. I think just listen and maybe offer some our your experiences on how you deal with situations of fear. 

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Information Overload


The information we receive everyday day from all various platforms, like the internet searches we might use for the occasional questions to social media and on those rare times of an actual paper newspaper. 

At one time many years ago I believe the public would take whatever the TV news or the morning paper said as the absolute truth, mainly because we had no other way of verifying the information. But today we have an endless flow of information were we can do our own fact checking. 

Because we have a vast source of information at our finger tips we could literally check info all day long and probably never come to a conclusion on what is true or false. 

How to we work through this information overload?

We have to consider our own general education, for instance, if a news story has been release about quantum physics and if you have not had any formal education in that subject then you are probably not going to have a clue to what the story is about. Although you can do an internet search but by the time you even have a general concept of the subject it will be old news.

Next, we have to consider what is reasonable and this would have to be from our life experiences, education, and deductive reasoning which would work with the basic information and work up to a more specific conclusion.

All of this is necessary, because there is a lot of misinformation out and its leading people in the wrong direction.

 Image by Anand Kumar from Pixabay 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Hold onto Virtues








The seven virtues are words to live by especially in todays world. We need to study, understand, and apply these seven powerful and sometime difficult words to our life.  I think most of the virtues have be long forgotten and some still apply today but for the most part, forgotten. 

The challenge to living the virtues are people do not  believe in them, except when it works with their agenda.  

Know them, understand them, and practice them.

The Virtues defined

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Agenda

The United States has been a country of a wide variety of political opinions and in someway its a good thing, until that opinion goes against the US Constitution. I'm not an expert in all the details of this important US document. But there is a movement to completely change or even do away with the freedoms we have been given.

As people are migrating here from their oppressed countries to become American citizens only to see in the news of people born here trying to destroy it. I believe those who are on a mission for the destruction of this nation should leave if they are not happy here.

In my lifetime I have never seen so much hate internally for the US, to the point if you disagree with something you just eliminate it and implement the opposite - no discussion. 

How do we fight this changing of America? We do it by staying informed, filtering the good and bad news, checking and validating sources of information, staying involved in the conservative movement. You should know who represents you at a county, state, and federal level. Do not let the progressives replace the Constitution with their ever changing agenda.


 Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay    

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Faith should be in Government

In some countries these two words would not exist in the same sentence, but in the United States it does and has since the beginning. But in the recent years there has been a push to eliminate any connection to God, faith, or religion within our government and this goes from the federal level down to the counties.


I believe there are a couple of reasons.  The progressives have a larger presence within the media and they are effective in manipulating words to convince the public of their agenda. The broadcast of the anti-God statements within the government sounds to the general public that its wrong, statements like separation of church and state.  The real intent of this statement is for the government to not interfere with religion, not religion interfering with the government.

Our country was founded on the Judo-Christian values. 
Some examples:

  • God is mention in our founding documents

  • A Bible is use when a newly elected President is sworn into office 

  • On are currency the words "In God We Trust"

  • A prayer is usually said before meetings

So, with all of this said, I/we conservatives should demand that the faith and value we have established continue to be a part of the governmental processes, because once its gone, its gone forever.  

Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Third

 The 3rd of July, the day before the United States greatest celebration of our country.  

I was watching the news this morning and a reporter was talking about John Adams and a letter her wrote to his wife on the 3rd of July.  

Here is an excerpt from that letter:

I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with4 Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not.—I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States.—Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will triumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.

These words of wisdom apply today just as they did in 1776.

God Bless America

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Disguised Politicians


The definition of disguised - to furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity.

The two parts of this definition are applied to what is going on in our nation right now, the false appearance and assumed identity. In this blog entry it is the false representation.

The movement to fundamentally change the United States under the disguise of what appears to be the normal process of change, either politically, economically, racially, or geographically. 

First, politically, some members of Congress and Senate give the appearance of being the great Americans who echo is the voices of the people they represent and that might be the case in certain areas of the country. But those constituents who follow the disguised politician are basically going along with their representatives who are telling them what is right for them and the country. This is dangerous, because if people are just following along with whatever their representatives say it takes away one of our rights and that is they (the politicians) do what we say and not them telling us. They are our voice and represent us and not them representing their agenda.

Second, economically, in the words of James Otis "Taxation without Representation is tyranny". Again, we go back to representation of the people. How can one person say we need to tax the rich? Who are the rich?  Where is the line between the rich and everybody else? These questions are not to be decided by one person.  I believe when such legislation comes up, we should vote, plain and simple. I realize a referendum to vote on a matter of taxes must go thru a lengthy process, but we would have that voice. Another point is if we heavily tax the rich and most of them are business owners they will pass that expense on the consumer, so in essence, the non-rich will end up paying the tax on products and services of the rich.

Third, racially, race has always been a divider not just in this country but all over the world. How does race divide us? Why are we being told at a national level of large groups of people being classified as racist? Again, this goes back to the disguise of our representatives because people will just go along with whatever they say and believe it. Prejudice is the most common form of racism, when a person judges an entire group on based on their race. I believe the United States is a representation of Americans, not a particular color, race, sex, or any other category.  We are Americans - We are One Nation under God, and as God sees us, it is not by the color of our skin. But we have politicians saying we are a racist country. This is not true. But that is not to say they do not exist. We must fight back against racism because we are Americans. 

Fourth, geographically, these are the States and counties across the United States. This is the real heart of the matter. We see every day certain States and counties are either a blue (progressive) or a red (conservative). The Governors and the county representatives fall into the same category as those in Washington D.C. All of this is about the people being represented by elected officials. Now, depending on which party you fall into, progressive or conservatives or independents (the undecided) they will elect who they feel best represents them. The regions of our nation should be the voice to the President and that person again represents us.

My bottom line is until we can all come to somewhat agree on issues which will never be the case. The disguised politicians should stop saying most of the American people agree with whatever legislation, laws etc... because most of the conservatives do not agree with the socialist progressives. If you have been reading any part of this blog, you will know I am conservative.  The narrative that is in most of the media today is wrong and does not represent how I think.  In the past, the political parties would usually come to a compromise on the issues but now it is all one sided. And that side is disguised as an American representation of the people and what they are hiding is the transformation of this country to socialism. 

Rise Conservatives!! 

Let your voice be heard and known to others who are following the socialist's agenda blindly. Speak the truth, question them on their beliefs, educate them on the real facts. Debate is a good practice, and always be respectful. 

Exercise your right to the freedom of speech.


Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay 


Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 The fact that Americans get to choose the leaders of our country is what makes the United States great.

But, nowadays, the voting system seems to be inadequate. The voting machines are questionable after this last election. The mail in ballots seem to also be questionable. And the progressive want to eliminate voter identification and that is just crazy.

  Why? 🤯

you have to have ID for just about anything that's official and voting is one of the most important duties we have as citizens.

I understand technology is always changing the way we do things but we must have voter integrity, because if we don't it just sets us up for all kinds of voter fraud.  I realize nothing is absolutely perfect and corruption free, but by all means possible our elections must be a true representation the of the people. 

Contact your local, state and federal elected officials and tell to keep voter identification a requirement.    

Friday, June 18, 2021

Which Side?

The times are changing.

What do I mean by this?  Society is changing, there is a clear divide between three groups. The Progressives, Conservatives, and Independents. 

The influence of these three will determine who will win this struggle of power at our federal, state and local governments.

Most people are not involved politically because they really don't care until it effects them directly. Once that happens then they get involved but the problem is they do not known what the three groups or parties represent they will just go along with the flow. This is dangerous because a particular party might represent something completely opposite of your beliefs.

So, before your get involved politically do your homework and research and choose which side you are on.