Monday, August 9, 2021

Information Overload


The information we receive everyday day from all various platforms, like the internet searches we might use for the occasional questions to social media and on those rare times of an actual paper newspaper. 

At one time many years ago I believe the public would take whatever the TV news or the morning paper said as the absolute truth, mainly because we had no other way of verifying the information. But today we have an endless flow of information were we can do our own fact checking. 

Because we have a vast source of information at our finger tips we could literally check info all day long and probably never come to a conclusion on what is true or false. 

How to we work through this information overload?

We have to consider our own general education, for instance, if a news story has been release about quantum physics and if you have not had any formal education in that subject then you are probably not going to have a clue to what the story is about. Although you can do an internet search but by the time you even have a general concept of the subject it will be old news.

Next, we have to consider what is reasonable and this would have to be from our life experiences, education, and deductive reasoning which would work with the basic information and work up to a more specific conclusion.

All of this is necessary, because there is a lot of misinformation out and its leading people in the wrong direction.

 Image by Anand Kumar from Pixabay 

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