Thursday, October 14, 2021


Our country is very divided and in many ways.  

First, the obvious political parties, Second, vaccinated or not vaccinated. Third, mask or no mask.

Theses three issues are in the news everyday since the pandemic started in March 2020.  It seemed at some point in the first few months we were all united. But since the vaccines came out, clear lines have divided the country.  I believe it is going to get worst as we get closer to the fall and winter months. But as of this month there is a trend, some states are seeing a decrease in infections. I not sure if this is an indicator of the end or its quite before the storm.

I believe this pandemic will end one day and we will need to look back at our history to see what we did right and wrong, because those who forget their past are condemned to repeat it. This virus came quick and has last a long time.  What will be the next event and more importantly will we still be divided?  

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