Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Minor League Baseball

Nashville Sounds Baseball 

Missing the game hope we can get back to this one day

Monday, April 13, 2020


Since we are all in our homes more now days than a few months ago the way we communicate has increased.

Many years ago, the telephone was the most common a way we communicated with our work, family, and friends.  Today the ways we communicate are almost endless.  I wonder if we have come the pinnacle of communications? Is there a new communication technology coming?       

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Different Times

I went to the grocery store the other day and I was prepared to be a good citizen during this pandemic and wear my mask.  This was the first time for me going to the store after the official announcement was made for everyone to wear mask when in proximity of people around you.  Well, the surprise hit me when almost everyone in the store was wearing a mask there was just a few people without one and they look out of place.  

We are living in different times. After the 9/11 attacks it changed the way we lived our everyday lives. I believe this pandemic will do the same. After the virus has released us and we start to gather again. People will have that underling thought about the germs on people as well as on the surfaces they touch. And then there will be those as I stated in my last post will go back to their old ways. But it will be a different world.   

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bounce Back

To continue from the last post…

Once this pandemic is over, I believe we will come back even stronger than before. But I also believe after a few months people will have forgotten what is was like to be social separated for each other.

So, on my first point, we will be stronger than before. This is having to do with business, new jobs will be created or at least transformed. The stay at home orders has created a new way of doing business.  A company could reduce their square footage of their office space because employees have successfully work at home. New software programs created to enable employees the conduct meetings more effectively online from home. Also, there is the whole aspect of home office products to be sold. 

My second point, society will soon forget what is was like to be completely separated for each other.  This happen during 9/11. The patriotism that was felt during that time was very uplifting but as the months and years past is diminished and became a memory of those who experienced. My hope is people will remember this event in history.

We will bounce back from this with many lessons learned.

Friday, April 3, 2020

An Awakening

We have come accustomed to our normal lives until last month and then the entire world changed. 

If you are following the news even just a little you are completely aware of how this pandemic is affecting our everyday life.

Now the pandemic has shut down non-essential businesses and people are being told to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus.
Some of the issues that have evolved from all of this is the shortage of common household goods like toilet paper, canned products, and anything anti-germ. This is leaving the shelves in the stores empty.

This has been an awakening for me, I had come accustomed to going to the store to get supplies whenever I needed them, but now I have to plan and go early or hopefully right after the shelves have been restocked.  This problem is not due to a shortage of manufacturing but of people in a panic. I have continued with my normal shopping and hoping to find the products I need, but after this pandemic settles down, I will not be unprepared again.   

Sunday, March 1, 2020


I'm trying some amatuer bird photography. More to come as I experiment with the setup and angles. 

Saturday, February 15, 2020


noble adjective

no·​ble | \ ˈnō-bəl  \
nobler\ ˈnō-​b(ə-​)lər  \; noblest\ ˈnō-​b(ə-​)ləst  \

Definition of noble

1a: possessing outstanding qualities : ILLUSTRIOUS

was a noble king
noble deeds
2: of high birth or exalted rank : ARISTOCRATIC
… my sire is of a noble line …
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge
noble families
3a: possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties
noble wine
b: very good or excellent
See that there be a noble supper provided …
— R. B. Sheridan
4: grand or impressive especially in appearance
noble edifice
a noble cathedral
5: possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals : LOFTY
a noble ambition
a noble cause
6: chemically inert or inactive especially toward oxygen
a noble metal such as platinum
— compare BASE entry 3 sense 2a

Noble is a word we do not hear often.  But their are people we meet and interact with everyday who are noble people.

Do you of any noble people in your life?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

New Beginings

The beginning of the year I'm trying to focus more of my attention to time.  

Time is what governs us everyday it does not make any difference if you are retired and especially need if you are working.  There are thousands of books on the subject of how to manage time, but you can't control it. It is continually moving forward it never stops or pauses and never goes back.

My focus this year - to be more aware of time.  Each second of your life that goes by will never be repeated again. 

How many of us have said at some point:
▪︎If I only had more time
▪︎If I could go back in time I would do things different 
▪︎If I ........and the list could go on.....

Let's make the best of every second of everyday. Because it only happens once.  Be your best. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Mobile post

I going to try some post via blogger app. They might be short in content but hopefully good in understanding might even attempt a few amateur photos. 

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Winter - the cold months depending on where you live. 

I live in an area where the temperatures truly change when the seasons change.  Usually, a few days after the first day of winter we will see our first significant snowfall with the exception of this year.  In mid January will be some of the coldest days of the year usually lasting to mid February.  

So, along with the colder temps I will be spending more time indoors hopefully blogging more.      

Saturday, December 28, 2019


My intention this year was to post at least a few times a month, but that didn't happen.  So,in the last days of 2019. I will attempt to close out the year blogging. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


It's finally Fall

Im looking forward to the cooler temperatures.

Fall is the time of the year for change like Spring - a transitional season. The trees lose their leaves, the animals prepare for the cold winter months ahead just as we should getting our homes shielded against the winter winds. 

Just a thought - maybe a time for us to transition - to prepare ourselves - to shed the old. 

A season to start a new prayer devotion like the rosary or a few novenas during the winter months.  We should always be in mind to pray always, but the seasons can be a good time to renew ourselves.   

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Its Saturday, but I'm writing about an observation on Friday.

So, it seems to me that the entire week people strive for the day everyone longs for - Friday (except for those that don't work) This process starts on Monday (the least favorite day) and continues throughout the week. I understand it is the end of the work week for most people, but their are those who work six or even seven days a week. I will usually say to those I work with to have a nice week-end, but I don't assume everyone has the weekend off.  We strive for Friday to get to Saturday only to work some more to get the things we didn't accomplish during the Monday to Friday week. And then there is Sunday the day of rest - the day we worship the Creator of the Universe - the day for physical rest and rest in the the Lord's love. 

My point and proposal to declare Sunday as the day everyone strives for - the day everyone is glad it has arrived. 

The best day of the week. 

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Three Words

Faith - Hope - Love

Three words we can live by everyday. Sometimes its hard and sometimes it's easy but all three everyday. These virtues can be applied to the things we do - at home - at work - or to anyone we meet. But more importantly God wants us to live by theses words. He wants us to live our lives while our short time here by the commandments he has given us. But if we are having difficulty then maybe theses three words are a place to start - Faith Hope Love.

Putting them in practice in our lives doesn't even have to start with interaction with those around us. Faith, by praying everyday. Hope, by living what God commands us so we will one day come in union with Him in heaven. And Love the greatest commandment - to love God with all your heart.

Three words to live by.....    

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Growing Old

Growing older is an odd statement I think most people when they think of something growing its associated with new life, a baby growing, a seed growing into a plant. But growing older doesn't seem to go along with new life. I see as the same we are always growing even in the later stages. We should always want to improve ourselves, both physically and mentally just as we did in our younger days. Aging is not the end it is a discovery of a new stage of life. 

There is always something new to learn.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


A powerful word - commitment
How much commitment is in our life?
Are we fulfilling our obligations?
Just something to think about. 


com·​mit·​ment | \ kə-ˈmit-mənt  \

Definition of commitment

1aan agreement or pledge to do something in the futurecommitment to improve conditions at the prisonespecially an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date
bsomething pledgedthe commitment of troops to the war
cthe state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelledcommitment to a cause
2aan act of committing to a charge or trust: such as
(1)consignment to a penal or mental institutionfiled a petition for commitment
(2)an act of referring a matter to a legislative committee

Monday, August 26, 2019

The People You Meet

The people we meet every day could possibly be those we might establish a lifelong friendship.
True friendships are hard to find. I have had friendships with those I have met at work, church, meetings, and just about any place people gather. But as I grew older life took its turns going in different directions and some of those friendships have faded away. Since then I try to look at everyone I meet as friend. I have to say my one true friend in my life is my wife, the one who knows me inside and out - the one that I love.

Take time to interact with everyone you meet. Look up from your phone occasionally and talk to those around you. 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

In Service

Last month police officers in New York were attacked/insulted by a group of people in the area where they responded. Anyone following the news or YouTube could not miss the story of complete disrespect for law enforcement.

Just a few comments...

I put anyone in the professions of emergency services - police, firefighters, paramedics, EMT's in the same category as the military because they are first responders. They rush to an emergency when we need them. And they put their lives on the line every day for us. How many occupations can have that in their job description?  So, how can anyone disrespect someone who might come to save their life in a time of crisis? I just don't understand.

Pray for our first responders