Saturday, September 14, 2019


Its Saturday, but I'm writing about an observation on Friday.

So, it seems to me that the entire week people strive for the day everyone longs for - Friday (except for those that don't work) This process starts on Monday (the least favorite day) and continues throughout the week. I understand it is the end of the work week for most people, but their are those who work six or even seven days a week. I will usually say to those I work with to have a nice week-end, but I don't assume everyone has the weekend off.  We strive for Friday to get to Saturday only to work some more to get the things we didn't accomplish during the Monday to Friday week. And then there is Sunday the day of rest - the day we worship the Creator of the Universe - the day for physical rest and rest in the the Lord's love. 

My point and proposal to declare Sunday as the day everyone strives for - the day everyone is glad it has arrived. 

The best day of the week. 

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