Monday, December 28, 2020


On Christmas day in Nashville 2nd Ave was bombed. The only person killed was the bomber. 


On a day for hope and peace.  

They have identified the person, but no motive at this time. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The One Constant

This year has not been a usual year, the world has clearly been affected by the virus.  The influence has varied from person to person, but overall everyone has been impacted. And depending on how each person perceives the virus will determine how they communicate, move about work and in general everyday life.  The politics of the the virus, and how each city determines which businesses are open or closed are also factors in a person life. The vaccine is questionable to some people where others will be standing inline to get it. 

All of these changes are drastic and out of the norm.

But, there is the one constant that never changes or at least should not - and that is prayer.

Our prayer life should always be constant.

Sure there will be days when things are a little crazy especially now.  We are not in control, God is and we should always remember He is our creator and we should recognize that everyday and no matter how our daily life is turned upside down we can only deal with it the best way we can and to pray to God for assistance everyday.   

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Christmas Movies

 I've been a classic movie fan for awhile, so I thought I would post some of my favorite Christmas movies.

1. Its a Wonderful Life (1946)

2. It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947)

3. The Shop Around the Corner (1940)

4. A Christmas Carol (1938)

5. The Greatest Gift (1942)

6. Miracle on 34th Street (1942)

7. White Christmas (1954)

8. Holiday Affair (1949)

9. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)

10. Holiday Inn (1942)

11. Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer (1964)

12. Frosty the Snowman (1969)

13. The Little Drummer Boy (1968)

Thursday, December 10, 2020

A Time and Place

 In this historical year of 2020

All of us have our place in history.  We all have a story to tell about this year, some good and some bad.

One day many generations from now people will talk about the year 2020 just as they have talked about the Spanish Flu of 1918. Probably, only the young one of today will be able to talk to the future generation of how they survived 2020.  I'm sure someone has studied the Spanish Flu and what they did right or wrong, but because of the advancements in medicine I would believe most would not apply in todays pandemic.  

I wonder what future pandemics will face and will it even compare to what has happened today.  

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Sounds of the Season

 Christmas Music

The music of the season with all the happy good feeling tunes of Christmas, maybe with the exception of Blue Christmas by Elvis Presley but its Elvis - its good.

So, here are some good classic Christmas music

Keep Christ in Christmas

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tis the Season

This is the time of the year when the world is focused on the birth of Jesus Christ. It is especially a prayerful time not only for the faithful but even for those who are lukewarm in their faith.

I believe this year especially we all need to re-group and turn our eyes to God and pray for the end of this pandemic. 

This time of the year I will usually rant on about how much people will spend their dollars on Christmas gifts, but this year I'm going to focus more on the good then the negative. The world is in a state of hearing bad news everyday and I will have the good news here.  

Keep Christ in Christmas



Friday, November 20, 2020

Businesses Gone

I work in downtown Nashville and over the pandemic months I have seen many businesses closed their doors forever.

I went to most places for lunch. I got to know many of the people that worked there, not necessarily as friends, but a nice interaction with some kind people.  It is sad in many ways.  People have lost their jobs and businesses that were open for a long time are now closed. 

Hopefully, as time heals the wounds to the city's economy new businesses and people will come back.    

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Battle of Debates in the Political Parties

The battles of the election are in full attack mode.

Some say the election is over, others say its not.

What is the root cause of these battles?

The news is the primary instigator.  We receive are daily information in a wide variety of news formats, television, social media, and actual newspapers, all of these and more are affecting how we choose are battles of the debates about our differences.

Now with that said, some people are more prepared for debate than others.  And what I mean by debate is the discussion of the current political arguments.  I have learned that in any debate one must be able to understand and discuss the opposing viewpoints.

But here is the problem, if the only information received is one-sided you can not begin to understand the opposing viewpoint. And from that point on the battle begins.  People involved positions of government i.e., senate, congress and the presidency all have their opinion on how things should be ran, without giving any thought to the people who opposed them. So, to gather their weapons and to strengthen their armies their opinions are given to the news media or the recruiter's.  

People have a tendency to believe what they constantly hear or read and anything outside of the "normal news" must be wrong. The only way for the battles to end is a simple understanding of ones point of view.  I have had political discussions with those who completely disagree with me, but in the end it usually comes down to respect and a mutual statement of "we agree to disagree".   


Monday, November 16, 2020

Is this the Best of Times?

The world has dramatically changed in the last nine months. At some point I think a lot of people thought the COVID virus would have been over by now and life would go back to normal.  But it hasn't, and the future doesn't look any better.  The presidential election has not officially been declared by the electoral college and when that decision is official, I believe the United State will no longer be the same.

So, what is next?

In my opinion, if Biden gets into office we will have a nationwide lockdown and if the states do not agree, Biden will move to influence the mayors to do the lockdowns.  If Trump is elected, the state will have the freedom to either lockdown or open their state. The cites that are on lockdown will have to be influenced by the governors whether to open their cities.

My point here is, depending on who is in office will be the deciding factor on when we will make the recovery process back to the best of times.  

Just my opinion......

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Do Not Fear


"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."

Isaiah 41:13

Monday, October 26, 2020


Coffee is a must have

Just to get off the usual topic for awhile, and talk about one of my favorite beverages - Coffee.

It is the perfect drink in the morning particularly when blogging. I like almost all types of roast but almost always I take it black and nothing else.  Coffee has been around for centuries and continues to grow in popularity. 

So, the next your read the blog have a cup.  

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Businesses Need Us

 Businesses in America today needs our support.

The business of America is in great need right now.  We have an obligation as citizens to do what we can to buy products, use services, and to pay people to work for us. And to take this a step further, when buying products - to buy American. 

This might seems to be an obvious solution to bring back our economy but when the process of buying an item begins it creates a snowball effect in the supply chain.  

The product has to be made and those materials needed have to be produced which employees even more people and once those materials are created they have to be transported. This begins another process, trucks, trains, air transports, and ships at sea, all of this employees people. And when people are employed they in turn go out and buy products and the cycle of producing a single item starts again.

Buy American     

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Start of a Day


An important part of your day should always start with prayer.

The powerful action of prayer is underestimated.  The connection to God should be a normal part of a daily routine just like talking to friends or family. 

Because once prayer stops then the evil moves in sometimes unnoticed with small temptations and eventually you are not praying at all which would accomplish what the evil one wants, to separate you from God.  Battles for your soul take place every minute of every day. 

Prayer is the best weapon. A powerful prayer weapon, is the Rosary.  All throughout history the rosary has defeated the enemy many times and continues to do so today.

If you haven't been praying, start today, because it will save your soul.    

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Forever Changed ?

The pandemic will change the way we live our lives forever

I believe even after a vaccine for the virus has been implemented somethings will still stay the same and other parts of our lives will change drastically.  There will be people that will continue to wear mask. Some businesses will continue to require a mask before entering their establishment and they will have the right to refuse service. And to take this a step further, some cities will continue to have mandates to be enforced.  Businesses will give up office space and end their lease agreements to have employees work from home.

And the entertainment industry, will change venues, to a virtual concept instead of live events in a auditorium. Sports will be greatly be effected, the large gathering of fans that once filled stadiums will no longer exist. Again going to a virtual viewing of a game.  

Shopping will continue to expand to more online orders. Shopping Malls will close.  Grocery stores will become warehouse type buildings that will function as distribution points for the online orders.  Delivery drivers will become an expanding industry.

This can be an opportunity or an eventual end to an industry.   

Friday, October 2, 2020

COVID-19 Thoughts

 The first news story this morning - The President has the virus.

Some thoughts on the virus.  

I believe it is real and people are dying from it and there is no vaccine at this time.

Next, the day to day activities, people who are high-risk should wear a mask.  If you are healthy and maintain distancing you should have the option not to wear one. 

The mask could have always been worn in the past even during flu season along with the vaccine. But what make this so different in my opinion, is this is political.  

An example, the mayor of Nashville has fabricated the virus numbers to shut the city down plus he has included the prison population into factor in with the overall numbers to keep the city closed. I believe this is to receive federal dollars for the pandemic. I say open all the cities.  If you are at risk, stay home.

My point is at anytime we could die.  People die everyday from disease, flu, pneumonia and the list goes on and we try to prevent those types of illness. We should live everyday as if it was our last. Live your life.  

Monday, September 28, 2020

Election Time

 In 36 days we will have an election for President.  This I believe will be the most important election in my lifetime. So, just a small rant about a statement that some people will make when asked who are they are voting for and why.  They will say "I'm voting for the man" (or woman).  What these people are not realizing is that person represents a party - democrat or republican.  Those parties represent a set of values and principles they follow. But if you ask any question to the folks that vote for the person about what they represent, they could not tell you. It just amazes me that there are people who vote this way.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Current State of Our Country

I can't remember a time when I've seen our country so divided. When you look at the Presidential polls for the election, it is almost split down the middle. In the past, the two main political parties have dominated at one time or another.  But this year is different. I believe the people who will decide the next President will be the independents, which on a side note truly belong to one of the two parties, a topic for another time.  Anyway, the election this year is very different from years past. The parties have clearly redefined their platforms, which makes the independents a voting factor.  Also, another voter that you will not hear about - the silent voter.  They do not participate in polls or talk about politics to anyone.  Our country is split, there is turmoil in the cities and both sides have strong opinions and will not sway their point of view. In 42 days America will vote and when the results are tallied and we have our President for the next four years this country will not be the same as it was before the pandemic.      


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Something Else

During the 4th of July my wife and I decided to take a break from all the craziness and travel the Natchez Trace for the day.  We wanted to do something else, not watching TV or staying update with the latest news. We wanted to escape.

The Natchez Trace is a National Park - watch and you'll understand why this was the place to go, an easy access to our history, no real planning to go and do something else.

Natchez Trace Parkway 

Monday, July 13, 2020

What is Next

As the pandemic seems to be the only thing in the news lately.

What is Next?

It does not look like there will be an end to this virus anytime soon. People are stressed out, their world has changed completely. I don't know of anyone who has not been affected.

I believe we all need to pray because our world is in constant change and only God remains constant - the Alpha and Omega - the beginning and the end.  We can pray just as those in the past who have gone through pandemics, plagues, wars and disasters.  People have always turned to God, because God is Hope without hope we have nothing. Prayer is powerful and if we all pray to our Creator our hopeful prayers will be answered. 


Thursday, July 9, 2020


The month of July

The patriotic month for the United States.

But it has not seemed so patriotic with groups of people trying to dismantle our history. The history of the United States is what we have, good or bad its ours.  And with our history we learn how to make life better for us now and in the future. 

This time of protest is the first for me in my life to experience the un-patriot. America has within always had differences in opinions but the disrespect I have seen to law, various institutions, history, and the American Flag has been troubling. I realize that not all of America feels this way. The silent majority is quite and observing. I believe the reserved citizens will not take this anymore. Peaceful protest will begin, and the introverted majority will come out and unite against this disrespect for our country.

Friday, June 26, 2020


The Freedom of Speech

A gift from the writers of the Bill of Rights.

Our freedom to speech and freely assemble is what makes our country great.  But when this right turns into violence and looting and destroying property it ceases to to be a right and turns into breaking the laws that govern us.  These laws just like the Constitution and Bill of rights are here to protect us, to protect our freedom.

Continue reading my post from Oct 2007 

Thursday, June 25, 2020


At this point I would have thought the pandemic would have been almost over.  I will say that more people are out and about, but there are still some restrictions on the gatherings and social distancing around the US. 

The pandemic has been hard and to make matters worst we now have protest which I will not get into on this post.  We are the United States of America.  During any crisis we have come together and united without the political or any of the other views that have separated us in the past. We have always stood united.  I pray we will come out of this crisis a better country.   

Monday, June 15, 2020

Before and After

Just a few thoughts about about this point in time, our history.

I believe that the COVID-19 will mark a point in our lives when we will talk about time in terms of was that before or after the pandemic. Because it has effected every particle of the day-to day activities, from what happens at home, workplaces, restaurants, sporting events and the list could go on and on.  History will record how well we survived, the good and bad decisions, medical history in case this happens again.  All the lessons will be our history to go the books for future generations to read. 

I wonder how history will describe this event?  

Sunday, May 17, 2020

To Stay or Not to Stay

To stay or not to stay that is the question

As our country's economic heart starts to beat again which means more people are going out to spend their dollars. 

Do we stay at home? Thinking this is not over, the virus is still here. 


Do we leave and go about a somewhat normal way of how we did things?

So, here my rant about this - I live in Nashville and the county is still under a semi stay at home order. The few businesses that have opened are only accepting a few customers. Meanwhile, all the surrounding counties have opened. If I wanted anything that was not offered in Nashville I could drive to another county and get it and return to home.

How does this protect the citizens of Davidson County?

It doesn't because I could assure there are plenty Nashville folks going to other counties. It will be interesting to see what history tells us about the mistakes.


Friday, May 15, 2020


United We Stand 

As the country re-starts the economy. Now everybody has an opinion about the pandemic whether it's who to blame or this or that could have been accomplished differently, it does not matter. We need to unite just as we did in the first few weeks when everybody was at home and the streets were empty. We seemed to be united during that time because we in someway suffered together. 

The unemployment rate is the highest in years. We can all unite putting all political differences aside. Everyone needs to safely go out and buy goods and services in their local economy. This will jumpstart our cities bring the unemployment down and pumping dollars back for the rebuilding of America.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


This Bluejay is determined to get one of the last peanuts. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


In the upcoming months what will it take to rebuild?

Once the businesses start to fully open, we will have to go out and support the businesses in our local economy. The support we give by spending our dollars in these businesses will open the opportunity for employees to come back to work, for vendors to start selling and delivering supplies. This action will have a ripple effect. Our time out spending will greatly affect our nation's economy. 

Next, I believe it is important to buy American, buy the products made in the USA and again the effect - employment opportunities and the economy grows in our own country. We should be able to support ourselves as a nation and not depend on another county for products that could easily be produced here.

Friday, May 1, 2020

May Change

The first of May, could this be the month of change?

I hope this month will be the beginning of the world getting back to some normal ways of everyday life. I pray that God will help us all through this pandemic. We must all have faith and pray for those with the virus and well as for those taking care of them. Take time to call someone who might be alone. We are here to help each other.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

History will Tell

After the pandemic, what will history tells about the event?

How will it be told in the history books? or the internet whichever one you prefer.

I think because this was a worldwide event it will be told from many different perspectives. 

Here are my thoughts:

The source of the virus I believe will be generally recognize as China as the central starting point. The control of containment, the blame will shift to the political leaders of each country and depending on how well they did will determine how long they will stay in office. The economic impact will be analyzed by the type of government, capitalism or socialism just to name a few. The cost will either be paid for by the people or not. And lastly, technology will have a big impact in how we leveraged the tech aspect of the pandemic. 

All of this will be studied for years to come. And I can't even imagine how many books and movies will be created from this event.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Stay At Home - what to watch

Here is a short list of some movies to watch during the pandemic. 

These are mostly comedy's so we can laugh during this difficult time.

  • Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
  • It's a Mad Mad World (1963)
  • Modern Times (1936)
  • You Can't Take It with You (1938)
  • Living on Love (1937)

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Usual Business


Continuing with the pandemic posts

Next, How will this affect the economy of the United States and World?

First allow me to give a disclaimer I am not an economist 😄 
this is just my opinion like everything else in this blog.

The economy has clearly tanked unemployment is on the rise. Businesses are closing. As grim as this sounds, I believe we will rebound. How? one thing that will happen is people will come out of their home to spend money. Six weeks of not going to restaurants, shopping in the local mall, and the list could go on.... 

I have seen some of the local favorite restaurants in a semi-open carry out only. Once the stay at home order is lifted these places will be pack with people spending money. The result, employees back to work, the vendor's delivering supplies making sales, the farmers who sell to the vendors back to work in the fields.  And the heartbeat of the economy starts to beating again. We will survives this, it might take awhile but we will be stronger and thriving again.   

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I've been walking more than usual lately because I have been working at home. The walking that I did at the office was my daily exercise and at the end of the day my daily step count was my way of staying active. But the only steps I get at home are to the frig or bathroom. So, I have been taking an occasional break and go outside to walk. 

Walking outdoors is refreshing it helps me to unfocus on the fast-pace world and focus on God's creation. The city life still has its sights and sounds of a rushed life. But with the casual stroll around the neighborhood you can still experience the creation of nature. The sight of the new growth of plants in spring, the sounds of birds, and squirrels running around. This virus has hindered our lives in many ways ways but it has also open our eyes to discover the creation that God has given us. A gift we should not take for granted.

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Possible Return

In the news the last couple of days has been about how and when we will return to the normal life.

I'm doubtful about this because the stay at home orders have been in place for so long people will congregate immediately. Most of what I've heard is it will be a gradual process of slowly bring people back together with some social distancing. I think the only way this will work is the businesses that open enforce the rules. I also believe testing for the virus will be the norm for awhile and face masks will become a fashion statement.

Just my opinion

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Minor League Baseball

Nashville Sounds Baseball 

Missing the game hope we can get back to this one day

Monday, April 13, 2020


Since we are all in our homes more now days than a few months ago the way we communicate has increased.

Many years ago, the telephone was the most common a way we communicated with our work, family, and friends.  Today the ways we communicate are almost endless.  I wonder if we have come the pinnacle of communications? Is there a new communication technology coming?       

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Different Times

I went to the grocery store the other day and I was prepared to be a good citizen during this pandemic and wear my mask.  This was the first time for me going to the store after the official announcement was made for everyone to wear mask when in proximity of people around you.  Well, the surprise hit me when almost everyone in the store was wearing a mask there was just a few people without one and they look out of place.  

We are living in different times. After the 9/11 attacks it changed the way we lived our everyday lives. I believe this pandemic will do the same. After the virus has released us and we start to gather again. People will have that underling thought about the germs on people as well as on the surfaces they touch. And then there will be those as I stated in my last post will go back to their old ways. But it will be a different world.   

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bounce Back

To continue from the last post…

Once this pandemic is over, I believe we will come back even stronger than before. But I also believe after a few months people will have forgotten what is was like to be social separated for each other.

So, on my first point, we will be stronger than before. This is having to do with business, new jobs will be created or at least transformed. The stay at home orders has created a new way of doing business.  A company could reduce their square footage of their office space because employees have successfully work at home. New software programs created to enable employees the conduct meetings more effectively online from home. Also, there is the whole aspect of home office products to be sold. 

My second point, society will soon forget what is was like to be completely separated for each other.  This happen during 9/11. The patriotism that was felt during that time was very uplifting but as the months and years past is diminished and became a memory of those who experienced. My hope is people will remember this event in history.

We will bounce back from this with many lessons learned.

Friday, April 3, 2020

An Awakening

We have come accustomed to our normal lives until last month and then the entire world changed. 

If you are following the news even just a little you are completely aware of how this pandemic is affecting our everyday life.

Now the pandemic has shut down non-essential businesses and people are being told to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus.
Some of the issues that have evolved from all of this is the shortage of common household goods like toilet paper, canned products, and anything anti-germ. This is leaving the shelves in the stores empty.

This has been an awakening for me, I had come accustomed to going to the store to get supplies whenever I needed them, but now I have to plan and go early or hopefully right after the shelves have been restocked.  This problem is not due to a shortage of manufacturing but of people in a panic. I have continued with my normal shopping and hoping to find the products I need, but after this pandemic settles down, I will not be unprepared again.   

Sunday, March 1, 2020


I'm trying some amatuer bird photography. More to come as I experiment with the setup and angles. 

Saturday, February 15, 2020


noble adjective

no·​ble | \ ˈnō-bəl  \
nobler\ ˈnō-​b(ə-​)lər  \; noblest\ ˈnō-​b(ə-​)ləst  \

Definition of noble

1a: possessing outstanding qualities : ILLUSTRIOUS

was a noble king
noble deeds
2: of high birth or exalted rank : ARISTOCRATIC
… my sire is of a noble line …
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge
noble families
3a: possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties
noble wine
b: very good or excellent
See that there be a noble supper provided …
— R. B. Sheridan
4: grand or impressive especially in appearance
noble edifice
a noble cathedral
5: possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals : LOFTY
a noble ambition
a noble cause
6: chemically inert or inactive especially toward oxygen
a noble metal such as platinum
— compare BASE entry 3 sense 2a

Noble is a word we do not hear often.  But their are people we meet and interact with everyday who are noble people.

Do you of any noble people in your life?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

New Beginings

The beginning of the year I'm trying to focus more of my attention to time.  

Time is what governs us everyday it does not make any difference if you are retired and especially need if you are working.  There are thousands of books on the subject of how to manage time, but you can't control it. It is continually moving forward it never stops or pauses and never goes back.

My focus this year - to be more aware of time.  Each second of your life that goes by will never be repeated again. 

How many of us have said at some point:
▪︎If I only had more time
▪︎If I could go back in time I would do things different 
▪︎If I ........and the list could go on.....

Let's make the best of every second of everyday. Because it only happens once.  Be your best. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Mobile post

I going to try some post via blogger app. They might be short in content but hopefully good in understanding might even attempt a few amateur photos.