Saturday, December 22, 2018

Tis the Season

Just some thoughts on the greeting Merry Christmas. I remember a time when that was the only greeting you used during this time of the year because most people recognized the season of Christmas as the time to remember Christ birth. Nowadays it seems to be a term that is not a greeting or phrase to say. It is acceptable to use Happy Holidays instead. This is a very generic term and does not acknowledge Christ in any way. And for those of us who say Merry Christmas, we are looking as if we are out of the ordinary. 

One thing that comes from this time of year is for those who do not go to church on a regular basis will usually go on Christmas day. I always hope that Christ will infuse into their hearts a new faith and the faith that would carry them throughout the year. I believe if non-believers would attend church on a regular basis then on Christmas or Easter it would only strengthen their faith. I know in order to do this, it takes commitment, with going to church every Sunday. This process is only one of many steps to bring those non-believers who say Happy Holidays back to the faith. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Suitcase Photos

I went to the flea market the other day and while browsing the various vendors I noticed a suitcase full of photos of people. These were not famous people, just average folks. Most of the pictures were taken 50 or 60 years ago.  As I flipped through them, I wondered about who they were and if those in the pictures still had relatives around. I know when I come across my own black and white pictures, I realize these are my one and only pictures of the past. Unlike today where pictures are stored on some device or on the internet. I also wondered if some of my own pictures will end up in a similar suitcase at a flea market. It is sad to think that those pictures had a story behind them, but because they have been separated the story will never be told.  

Sunday, December 9, 2018


Advent is the liturgical season to renew. 

Most people would think the first few weeks of December as the Christmas season. Well, I guess so. But up to the actual day of Christmas, it is the Advent season. This is the liturgical time of preparation for the day we celebrate Christ coming into our world. This is the time for renewal - the time to start a new self.  

Just like we make New Years resolutions, we can do the same for our Christian life. 

Here is a list of some possible ways to start the new liturgical year.


Saturday, December 8, 2018

College Football Playoffs

It is playoff time for College Football

Since I do not follow the NFL I have focused now on college football.

My team: Notre Dame 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

I Stand for the Flag

A few days ago, I had someone ask me about watching Pro Football (NFL). And my next statement was I stand for the flag. I do not watch the NFL anymore. This is not to say I will never watch it again. But until the NFL changes its position on the players kneeling during the National Anthem. I will not support them. I served this country and the flag it represents which includes the people who have died for it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Immigration into this country is a privilege, not a right. 

I understand people wanting to come to the United States. It is the land of opportunity. Generations have come before us and they have come here legally that is the way our country has established the rules of entry. The process is long but it is worth it. And I would think that those who have gone through the process legally would agree.  

Monday, December 3, 2018

Any Day

Most of my days I think can be interesting, it just depends on how I look at the world around me.

What makes any day interesting?

Is it your work, or do you have to look for the interesting things in the course of the day?

I have moments during any day where I experience goodness. I define moments of goodness - it is where I see or hear about the good things happening in the world. I can sometimes create these moments for other people to experience, but that comes only from knowing something about the people around you. You can also do this with strangers. An example of this would be, holding the door open or saying good morning. It could even include just listening to someone who just needs someone to hear them.

In order for anyone to be able to do this, they must look at the world as Gods creation. Everything from God and for God.  So, be good and kind to everyone you meet, take time to see the goodness in the world on any day.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Keep Christ in Christmas

Every year during the Christmas season I will usually rant about the purchase of gifts and the absence of Christ. Society has focused to much on buying gifts. The Black Friday sales have turned the shopping malls into a mad chase for the best deals and the sometimes there is a lack of christian charity towards one another. Christmas is about the birth of Christ and not how many presents someone has under the Christmas tree. I will say one positive thing, is people will go to church during this time and hopefully continue go throughout the year.

Please Keep Christ in Christmas