Monday, May 19, 2008

Politics of Change

What does it take to change something? Is it a matter of flipping a switch? I wish it was that easy, but we all know that it comes down to the majority, or who has the loudest voice. Or does it?

Does the majority necessarily have the power to change things? I believe it helps, but to change a policy or law it has to start with one person and one idea. The struggle for most famous Americans was the process of convincing the majority on a certain idea. For instance, Martin Luther King did not want to be famous but he had the drive to motivate thousands and eventually change history.

Everybody has the potential to be that person to start change, but you have to be able to play the politics. We can observe this from any angle of life. Think about your past jobs, sports teams, clubs, and any type of assembly where one person is in charge. The politics of change starts here, in the smallest of groups. The people of the United States have the power to change to the laws and policies of this Great County, We Call Home.

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