Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Faith by definition is allegiance to duty or a person; fidelity to one’s promises; sincerity of intentions; belief and trust in and loyalty to God; without question.
I believe that faith is a complete trust. So many people today have lost faith because of all the corruption in the world. Think about this; if someone offered you a really good deal on an item your first reaction would be, what is the catch? You would be thinking that this is too good to be true. So, how do we decipher what is real and what is not? I believe that it comes deep within each person. Faith has been given to you by the grace of God. Faith in God will help anyone that struggles between what is real or unreal, good or bad, and right from wrong. The moment of truth is when we struggle with our faith. We must believe that the grace that has been given to everyone is God’s voice telling you what is true. Trust in God, follow your heart and you will never be unaided in the decisions of life.

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