Friday, November 16, 2007


What is it about reminiscing, particularly with people older than you? Reminiscing can happen at any age? It seems like the people who reminisce just happen to be older than you.

Or is it that reminiscing is a repeated story you have heard before, and you are tired of hearing it repeatedly. When someone recalls a memory and they share the experience with you – it means something – it is a good thing – it is how history is passed down from generation to generation.

At a time in history, reminiscing was the only way to pass on history, mainly because of the education of the person telling the story; it was verbal as opposed to written history. Once a story is repeated to someone to record, it then becomes history for future generations.

I have been guilty of this reminiscing myself, but I try to not reminisce too much to the occasional ear. I will only continue if the occasional ear asks questions about my story, and then I will continue. My grandfather once told me war stories. He said to be careful about war stories. Not everyone will understand the significance behind your small part in history.

The next time someone tells their story, listen for a while because it might be their small part of history that someday will be gone forever and never to be heard again.

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