Thursday, November 8, 2007

Agree to Disagree

What a great privilege it is to have freedom. Many people take this right for granted, not realizing what it would be like not to have freedom.

Freedom can cover many aspects in life, but I am going to focus on freedom of speech. The fact that I can write on this blog about anything is huge. One of the reasons, I feel so strongly is because when I did my tour of duty in the military and shipped off to foreign lands, it made me realize what I was defending and I will defend those rights today. I sometimes do not agree with protesters but it is their right to do so even if I disagree. However, in the same note I will speak my peace whether people disagree with me or not. I think that if people would agree to disagree, we would probably see more people saying what they feel as opposed to worrying about what people might think.

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