Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Business Divide

There was a day when you went to the grocery store or somewhere to buy a product and did not think about who made it.  You might have had some favorite brands but didn't know about the company outside of what they made.  And what I mean by that is what the principles of that company were.  Where was their product made? Where did they donate their money for a particular cause? What were their political views?

Today, our country is so divided that we can't agree on products, services, or even sports teams because of their views outside of what they produce.  This is important, but why can't businesses stay out of politics? I realize owners will have their views, but the point is to connect to all customers regardless of opinions on a particular cause. 

When companies draw the line and publicly announce where they stand. They have decided they only want to support and market to a particular group.  And that is fine with me.  I will not go into an establishment that does not want my dollars based on my political views.  I will support the businesses that share my views. 

Buy American!

Photo - pixabay - stevepb 

Monday, January 29, 2024


The Southern border of the United States has become one of the most talked about news stories in the past couple of weeks. The main reason is because Texas has proclaimed it shall defend its border as a State. They have not only assumed the responsibility but also have become the frontline against the invasion of illegals into the United States.  Over 25 State governors have announced they will support Texas, but the Federal Government has not and probably will not support this effort. 

The border should be completely closed entirely. If someone wants to become a citizen of the United States, they should come here legally.  We must have our priorities in order and take care of U.S. citizens first.  And Texas is doing just that as it is making the people of Texas their first concern. 

All 50 States should back Texas because if not, the frontline will move to the next State and the next.  

Hold Strong Texas!! We support you!

 Photo - pixabay - Kjrstie 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Holy One of God


 Mk 1:21-28

Then they came to Capernaum,

and on the Sabbath, Jesus entered the synagogue and taught.

The people were astonished at his teaching,

for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.

In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit;

he cried out, "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?

Have you come to destroy us?

I know who you are—the Holy One of God!"

Jesus rebuked him and said,

"Quiet! Come out of him!"

The unclean spirit convulsed him and, with a loud cry, came out of him.

All were amazed and asked one another,

"What is this?

A new teaching with authority.

He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him."

His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee.

In today's Gospel reading at Mass, the unclean spirit acknowledges Jesus as the Holy One of God.  One would think during this time, the people would hear this and realize Jesus is truly the Son of God, but as we know, this is not enough, and they would need more proof. 

How often do we act as those did during that time by seeing and not believing?

And for as much as evil sometimes seems to rule, we should always know who the Son of God is, and no one is above Him. 

Monday, January 22, 2024

The Primaries

I saw this yesterday and thought how similar it looked. The signs are identical in color. The Sunday morning news shows are always political. It seems the Democrats are pushing the Republicans to vote for Haley. Why? Could it be because she is the weaker candidate? And if they can sway the conservative vote towards her, then Trump would not be the nominee for the Republican Party.  Once that happened, the Democrats would then focus their attack on Haley.  All of this to position Biden to be re-elected.  Trump is clearly the better candidate, and the liberals know how weak Biden is in policies and his capacity to articulate his thoughts. They know Biden cannot win a political debate with Trump. The primaries in the upcoming month are critical.  The Republicans running for President are dropping out of the race because they clearly cannot win against Trump. The majority of conservative voters in the United States want Trump to be the next President.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Act of Contrition

O My God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and amend my life. 


Friday, January 19, 2024

2024 WEF

The World Economic Forum is having its annual meeting on what they believe is the most critical issues "they" think is best for us.

Forums happen all the time discussing various topics, and mostly, those topics never affect us. But what makes this concerning is the people at this conference. World politicians and corporate CEOs flying their jets to discuss climate change.

Here are a few highlights as they plan "our" future.

Topics taken from the World Economic Forum website

I've highlighted a few key points to show how world leaders are working to change our world.  

You decide.

  • Nearly 3,000 leaders from government, business and civil society from more than 125 countries, including 350 heads of state and government, and ministers, participated in the meeting and connected across diverse viewpoints on key issues.
  • Participants advanced new ideas and initiatives to increase resilience and security, revive economic growth, protect the climate and nature, balance innovation and guardrails for technology, and invest in jobs, skills and health.
  •  “It is essential that we discard prejudice, bridge differences and work as one to tackle the trust deficit,” said Li Qiang, Premier of the People’s Republic of China.
  • Ajay S. Banga, President of the World Bank Group, emphasized the interconnectedness of crises; “We cannot think about eradicating poverty without caring about climate. We cannot think about eradicating poverty without thinking about healthcare. We cannot think about eradicating poverty without thinking about food insecurity and fragility.”
  • French President Emmanuel Macron called for world leaders to “be realistic but be optimistic” about addressing the complex challenges of peace and security, jobs and decarbonization. “I truly believe that the decisions that can change things are within our hands,” he said.
  • We need to think of globalization not in the way it was done before, but differently. And we need to make sure that those who did not benefit during the first round benefit this time,” said Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization.
  • “As we build our economic policies, the question we have to ask is: ‘Will this make the life of the people I represent better?’” said Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Canada.
  • “We know exactly what we ought to be doing to slow down and eventually reverse climate change and loss of biodiversity,” said Jane Goodall, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and United Nations Messenger of Peace. “If only various countries lived up to promises they made about reducing emissions.”

This forum allows the rich and powerful to decide what is best for the world. Some of this might sound good, but when you realize these people ultimately want to control the world as a whole, meaning one world leader. It is the stepping stone for a world order of government.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Southern Snow

Most of the country has experienced some harsh weather in the last week. Depending on your area, you were stranded or functioning as you would typically do during this time of year, and with that said, I have defined the North and the South.  I live in a Southern city where winter storms are rare. We have some snow removal equipment, but unlike our neighbors to the north, snow removal in the South is not a high priority. 

Are there advantages to not having the streets clear of snow?

For a long time, the culture in the South has been easygoing.  We traditionally have always been the not-in-a-hurry region of the United States. But as more and more people find this way of life attractive, they move here, which is fine, but don't expect to live like you used to. 

The advantages to a winter storm as a Southerner would see it. Once the prediction of snow is in the forecast, the first and immediate priority is the rush to the grocery store. We must stock the essential items for survival. Items like bread, milk, and eggs, and the top items on the list to sustain life are snacks of all kinds. Next on the list of priorities, contact your employer to ensure the business is shut down during the disaster. Once the preparedness checklist is complete. We focus on the on the next agenda. What is on TV? What series will we binge-watch?

I say this with a bit of humor. But, Southerners have, for the most part, taken life in general slow and easy. If you move to the South, you might discover a new way of living as the Southerners do; you might like it.

Photo - pixabay - PublicDomainPictures


Saturday, January 13, 2024


Forever is forever.

Think about that for a moment.

When we say forever, it means never-ending. It goes on for eternity.  Now, apply it to your spiritual life. Do we pray and hope for life after death, to live forever? I think most live just for the day and the moment. Not thinking about how our thoughts, words, and deeds affect our forever life after we die. But most of the time, especially in our younger days, it seems like we will live forever. The actual reality is we start the dying process once we are born into this world. The time for us to prepare for our eternal life is now. God has given us the guidelines for us to follow through the Bible. For thousands of years, He has been telling generation after generation how to live forever in heaven with God. But do we listen? I would say most of the time, we don't hear Him. That's why praying and reading the Bible every day is vital. Any day, your time ticket will arrive for the journey to eternity, and that ticket is a one-way to either Heaven or Hell. 

Where do you want to spend your forever life?

Photo - pixabay - TheFunkypixel

Thursday, January 11, 2024

An Adventurous Day

Is there ever an ordinary day?

As much as we might think there is no such thing as an ordinary day. I know we have our routines.  Monday through Friday, sit in traffic, go to work, come home, and go to bed; the whole routine starts the next day. We might even come to a point where we dread the next day.

The fact of the matter is that every day is extraordinary. When we look at each day as a new beginning, even if our life doesn't seem so. 

Here is a short story of a lesson learned from our cats. 

We have two cats, one orange cat named Rex and the other black cat named Jack. These two are completely opposite of each other in their personalities. Rex is the king cat. He is bigger and bolder in his personality. Jack, on the other hand, is laid-back and docile. The one thing they have in common is their routine. They go outside, looking for the next mouse to catch or the perfect spot to lie down to take that afternoon nap. And as evening falls, they wait patiently to come into the house for the evening meal and retire for the night until the next day.

Once the sun comes up, this is when the subtle difference between the two takes place. We will announce the call for the cats to go outside. And the first one at the door is Rex followed slowly by Jack. Our hand is on the doorknob, and Rex has his nose on the edge of the door, waiting impatiently for the door to open. The door is opened, and out goes Rex, looking for the next adventure, while Jack casually strolls out, looking like he would instead go back into the house but seems content with the sunshine and the possibility of the next nap.    

The lesson learned.

We all have to approach each day like Rex and know we will have those occasional days like Jack.  Every day is a new adventure. The uncertainty is always there, but it is a new day, and we must venture out and look for the good things in life. We are the product of our personalities, whether we are like Rex or Jack.

Look forward to your next adventurous day!