Monday, July 10, 2023

NATO or Not


NATO or not?

The question is whether World War III will begin once Ukraine joins NATO. 

My opinion is yes, without a doubt. The number of NATO countries obligated to support Ukraine, especially the United States and England, will overwhelm the Russian forces. But there is one factor to consider the Russian nuclear opinion, which Vladimir Putin will use if backed into the corner. 

The war in Ukraine has been going on for over 500 days with no clear ending. And just as the world is recovering from the pandemic, the next big worldwide catastrophe is about to happen.

So, start preparing now - food, water, medical supplies, generators, etc. Think of any you might need once supply chains are broken.  We went through it recently, and you know what you need.

Prepare now!!

Photo - pixabay - Clker-Free-Vector-Images

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