Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just some observations

I went to the store the other day to look for a get-well card, for a friend recovering from an operation. The first four cards were offensive.

What happen to the Hallmark cards?

I was wondering if I would ever find the right card. 

Have we come to a point in society where being offensive in a good thing?

I eventually found a card. No one should have to wonder about the contents of a simple card.

And another observation...

Driving around town sooner or later you will hear a car radio blasting away. But, I have noticed lately people with smart phones are blasting music either from the phone speaker or ear buds.

Why must I be forced to listen to someone’s music from their mobile phone?

And again some of the music is offensive.
Society is accepting this behavior. If any of my two observations had happen in the past I believe society would not have tolerated such behavior.

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