Sunday, April 27, 2008

How Can You Change the World?

I believe anyone can change the world. Your approach to the process will depend on your abilities, passion and resources.

Does it take money? Yes and No
I have worked in a non-profit environment and I have seen the struggles of funding. The impact of dollars can buy food, clothing and housing. Also, if most people are asked “what would they do if they won the lottery?’ somewhere in the list of things they would buy would be a donation to a charity. You can also change the world without money; simply by being kind to everyone you meet everyday.

Would you have to invent something? Yes
The fact that I have posted this blog entry on the internet through a computer is proof that invention can change the world. The discoveries in medicine, space exploration are just a few things that have change the world.

Can you change the world one person at a time? Yes
Absolutely and it does not cost any money and you do not have to be a rocket scientist. The simple act of kindness to everyone you meet, everyday can change the world.
Why? because it is contagious.

Does it take a leader to form a group with a mission? Yes
A leader can transform any group whether it is business, religious, political or volunteer. If you take a moment and think about all the leaders in the world, past and present, you will see that leadership can change the world.

Can one event in someone’s life change the world? Yes
My first thought, Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection changed the world.

Can you be anonymous and change the world? Maybe
I think it is possible, but in today’s world, unless you have complete secrecy, someone will find out.

Are There Other Ways You Can Change The World?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Religion and Politics

The subject matter is sometimes considered taboo in most group settings. The consequences of such a discussion could result in an argument, but that is the sole purpose behind the freedom of speech. You have the right to voice your opinion. Where it gets tricky is when people do not know when to stop, or they lack the diplomacy to even have a discussion of this matter. If done correctly, religion and politics can be discussed openly and freely. Anyone in a conversation like this must respect the opposing person. Respect should be mutual to carry on such a debate.

Religion and politics are even debated among presidential candidates. Why are these two topics so powerful? The main reason is both have the influence to change the world. And depending on your point of view can be either good or bad. The separation of church and state is a central component of this debate. Religion is connected to politics. We as a nation have God printed on our currency, pledge allegiance under God, and open government meetings with a prayer, and in courts of law, we swear to tell the truth. Religion is very much at the roots of the founding of the United States, and we should be proud that we live in a country where it is our God-given right to practice and say how we feel.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


This is a topic of endless wonder. New discoveries are being made everyday and just like the beginning of time, the same question arises "then did it begin"? This is a difficult question because new galaxies are constantly discovered and when stars are calculated by distance it is in light years away. Is there an end to space? , or does it go on forever?

I believe that one-day scientist will make an amazing discovery about space and it will reveal a piece of the puzzle about the universe. I also believe that it is not in the human capacity to understand how our universe and hundreds of galaxies were created. Only God knows the answer to that question.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Grand Words That Can Change the World

Ambition, Confidence, Courage, Dedication, Devotion, Honor, Knowledge, Trust

These words are powerful words and they can change the world.

How many aspects in life can these words apply?

Occupations – doctors, police etc...
Products that you buy – food, medicine
Transportation – Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Utilities – water, electricity

I believe that we sometimes do not realize how much of our lives depend on trust in the known and unknown. Yet, people believe in things that have no evidence of existence and others do not believe in things that have a history or evidence of existence.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Think with Purpose

To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment; who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplish masterfully.

As A Man Thinketh
James Allen