Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Top Ten Western Movies

 Here is a list of my top 10 Western movies:

10. The Shootist (1976)

9. Shane (1953)

8. Seraphim Falls (2006)

7. Jeremiah Johnson (1972)

6. The Magnificent Seven (1960)

5. The Man from Laramie (1953)

4. High Noon (1952)

3. El Dorado (1966)

2. Rio Bravo (1959)

1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)

Thursday, August 18, 2022

To Preach


What is preaching?

This can go in many different directions.  One can say they will "get on their soapbox" or preach about how bad the game was last night: even preaching about procedures at work. Some will even say they will rant about something.

All of this is correct; we all do this from time to time. But what is preaching from God's perspective?

This can be in a few forms, and I will elaborate more in an upcoming post.  Here is a short list:

  • Speaking the Word
  • In your everyday action
  • Good knowledge of God's plan
  • Knowledge of your faith
  • Setting an example of a Christian
  • Exposing the Devil for the liar he is to deceive the world
Preaching aims to get the Good News to people who have never heard of God or someone who is in despair that there is hope in God and saying the right words at the right time.  

Photo: Pixabay FotoRieth

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Retreat Weekend


This past weekend I went on a retreat to the Bethany Retreat House.  This is usually a yearly event, but due to the virus, this was the first time in a little over three years. I am a Lay Dominican formally known as Third Order Dominican. More on this in a later post.

The retreat is my vacation for the year. It's a silent retreat meaning no talking except while eating. The basic structure of the weekend is a Catholic Priest will have several sermons at various times along with long hours of silence, prayer, and reflection on the theme of the weekend. I would highly suggest if you ever have an opportunity to go on retreat, it will revive your soul and open you to God.

Here are a few pictures  

Small Pond

Hiking Trail

Stations of the Cross

The Great Room

The Chapel

Evening on the last day

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Last Summer Eggs

I took a bit of a risk taking this photo. I knew it was getting close to them fledging.

And I was correct, within a few days they were gone.  


Friday, August 5, 2022

Gasoline vs Electric

 About 137 years ago, the gasoline engine was produced and manufactured for public use for those who could afford it.  During that time, only the rich could buy this luxury item.


Think about this:

  • gasoline was very limited - no gas stations because most of the population did not own a car.
  • parts for the car when something broke, again limited demand - no manufacturing parts because no factories to produce them.


Now, think about this comparison:

  • Electric cars are somewhat limited, and public charging stations are limited.  Home charging stations are expensive.
  • Parts are limited because of supply chain issues, especially at this time.


So, here are my final thoughts on this topic.  

I will be ready to buy my first electric car in 137 years.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

My Opinion - on the war in Ukraine


No significant change from a few months ago.  I think primarily due to the military weaponry coming into the country from all over the world. 

I do not understand why the US media has stopped reporting on this war when we send billions of funds and equipment. Does the US know something and is not telling the American people?  Are the repercussions of this silence something that would be unpopular?  Could there be some conspiracy theory? 

One thing that has caught my attention is the high level of US government officials visiting a country currently at war.  This raises concern for me.  And why would the leader of Ukraine come to the United States for a photo op with Vogue Magazine?

If your country is under a major attack by a border nation, why would one of your priorities be a photo op?

This goes deeper into an international war crime, and the US and other countries fund it.


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Summer Eggs 3

I'm really surprised these guys survived.  The temperatures have been in the 100's.  This is late in the year to see bluebirds of this size still in the nest.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Politics and Religion

 What does this say about how we interact with each other?

Most people say, " I won't talk about politics or religion" Well, it seems that politics is an essential part of deciding on new friends, yet no one wants to talk about it. Politics should be an open and civil conversation.  Most would say they would not speak because they are afraid of an argument about trying to convince others of their opinions. Discussions on politics should be openly discussed with the exception, not without the consent of the other to talk about it. If individuals are willing and open, I believe it should take place.

As for religion, this is a tricking one because estimates are about 10,000 religions in the world.  This is difficult because one would need some common knowledge of all faiths. I think it should be discussed but with limits; if there are some common values, it's good. One would need to understand some general aspects to have a reasonable discussion. But, as I said about political debates if both are willing to engage, go for it.

Music and entertainment are not essential factors in deciding on friends.

Disclaimer: I do not endorse NBC News or any other progressive media. But there is a need to know what the other side is discussing. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Summer Eggs 2

 Finally, after a few weeks they are here.

More later..... 

Saturday, July 23, 2022

What is Bill Gates Planning?

Why would someone with as much money as Bill Gates spend it on farmland?

Answer: control

Having that amount is all about control of the food supply; it should be against the law.

I wonder what other plans he has for the land.


Monday, July 18, 2022

Quote - Schwarzkoph

"It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle."

General H. Norman Schwarzkoph 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Summer Eggs


I was surprised to discover this because it is so late in the summer. 

More as this develops....

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Bookstore Current Affairs


This is the Current Affairs section at Barns & Noble's bookstore. If this is any indication of the direction of our country, we are in trouble. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

July Christmas


This past weekend I went to Hobby Lobby with my wife; there was not much for me to look at, but this caught my attention.

It's July, and Christmas is in December. People will prepare 6 months before December the 25th, and on the 26th, all the decorations are boxed and stored away. The month of December is Advent - the preparation for Christ's birth, a time of deep reflection. The 26th is the first day of Christmas, not the 1st of July. The 12 days of Christmas are the days after the 25th. 

I will usually go on this rant every July.  Let's keep the holidays within their respective months.

Friday, July 8, 2022


 Continuing from the last post...

Should journalists/media report all the news, good or bad?

I believe they are responsible for reporting both because they are lying to us if they don't. They are withholding the truth.

The news is so biased it is hard to decipher what is true and what is not.

Just my opinion...


Wednesday, July 6, 2022



July - America's month

On the 4th, we celebrated our independence, which I believe most people take for granted.  Our independence from England allowed us to form a new nation based on freedoms and rights for individuals written in the words of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

One freedom that is exercised every day is the freedom of speech. We see and hear this in the news, on social media, and on this blog.  Some people could only dream of being able to voice their opinion about whatever they wanted without being persecuted or arrested. 

Freedom is a God-given right, and those who live with this freedom should thank God every day.

Thursday, June 30, 2022