Thursday, December 12, 2013


Just a short rant about health care

Watching the local news this morning about the thousands of people being laid-off at a local hospital because of Obamacare. The reason is those employees were part of an overall process of work pertaining to uninsured patients. The state government will not fund the uninsured and has decided to let the federal government pick-up the cost.

So, now we have thousands of people unemployed looking for jobs that will probably have to sign up for Obamacare and pay a higher rate than before.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1st

The first day of December

This post is a follow up to black Friday post. But this one is for a different reason if you are a Christian keep in mind the reason for the season of Christmas. 

Do not get so caught up in buying gifts that you forget. 

The reason why Christmas is celebrated - Jesus Christ  

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Cost?

The day after Thanksgiving or as most know it as black Friday.

I really don't care for the sales and all the craziness that comes with the madness of the stores opening the doors and people fighting through the crowd to get to the best deals.

It is amazing how businesses can mark down a product 50% or 75% and still make a considerable profit. I often wonder how much a product really cost. What is the actual markup on these black Friday sale items?

Nevertheless, this is capitalism at its best. I hope that one day manufacturing will come back to the United States and consumers buying products today would actually create more jobs.  

So, the next time you are out looking for a sale check to see where it was made. When you buy a product made in another country think about it as taking someone's job.

Buy American.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Top Ten - Movies

Thought I would list my top ten movies

This is an overall list

 I have more that I'll list later in category by comedy, drama etc..

It was difficult to pick just ten.  I based it mostly on channel surfing and what I would stop to watch.

  1. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
  2. Mr. Smith goes to Washington (1939)
  3. The Crowd (1928)
  4. You Can't Take It with You (1938
  5. The Postman (1997)
  6. Jeremiah Johnson (1972)
  7. Cool Hand Luke (1967)
  8. Rio Bravo (1959)
  9. Casablanca (1942)
  10. Modern Times (1936)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Need for Change

Reading the local liberal newspaper (not a habit) just wanting to see how the left is looking at the elections from yesterday.

I refuse to believe the true conservative movement is dead.

We need to have candidates with strong conservative values. The RINO's have conformed to the liberal agenda. The secularism is overrunning in America. Whatever the trend is today will change tomorrow. This is no way to govern the United States.

I realize there will always be political differences but the problem now is the two parties are at each others throats. What happen to the days of Ronald Reagan, Tip ONeill or Bill Clinton, Newt Geingrich.

This country needs to get back on track before it gets to the point of no return.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Media Goes Where the Story Is

The media goes where the story is - and the attention is now focused on Obama.

Since the Obama administration has been in office the media has been on-call for the White House.
As long as the agenda went to the liberals they covered it.

But, now it seems as if the media is going for the best story, they have turned against the President. Because of Obamacare and Benghazi.

I think we will see the popularity polls on the President drop drastically.

The truth will hopefully come out.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Where Do We Go From Here?

Now that the federal government is back operating, where do we go from here?

Democrat or Republican it will come down to the right or the left side of the House and Senate to talk to the people that voted them into office.

It seems like some of the politicians have their own personal agenda and that includes the President.

But the reason the House and the Senate are in place is to be the voice of the people and to separate the powers of the executive offices so no single office has power overall.

So, my statement - Washington listen to the People that you represent - take your personal opinion out. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Columbus Day??

Just a thought

Why don't we celebrate Columbus Day?

It's a federal holiday, which really doesn't make any difference today because of the shutdown.

We should at least recognize it as part of our history in America.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What's the Purpose?

I've been hearing in the news about college football players receiving money or special favors for playing on the team.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't college about getting an education and not about how much money you make while on the team.

In some conversations, some people believe the players should get paid. They are students, not employees. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Politically Correct

The fear of expressing how you feel about things seems to be today a common problem. People are trying to be politically correct. But the fact that people are not expressing how they think is causing problems in itself.

When we do not speak up on matters of concern in society we give in completely to those who have no problem with saying whats on their mind.

And the result of this action of being "politically correct"

Legal changes that will never return. Some people will say "that's progress" but I disagree. We have changes in society that are immoral and evil.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

In the News

I normally try to say positive in my post but I have to share my opinion on some current events.

The world is an evil place - there will always be at least one dictator over some country to cast a net of malevolence over the people.

I am talking about Syria.

Here we have a country where a mass killing has been committed and everyone is pointing at the other on who did it (Assad-Rebels).

The problem is now the US wants to get involved. This is a civil war. There are at least five different rebel forces fighting against Assad and that is not mentioning the unorganized groups. One of the five is Iran, who is friends with Russia.

The US should not get involved – it is a powder keg waiting to explode.

Our military is the greatest fighting force in the world. The air and naval power alone probably would be enough to settle the whole civil war, but again it would set off a chain reaction in the Middle East and escalate to a much larger World War.

Let us stay focused finish Afghanistan and regroup.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Conversation and Distractions

I did not realize how long it had been since my last post. Life sometimes either gets busy or just the routine of daily happenings.

Conversation and Distractions

Interesting topic, I think

I have noticed that real conversation occurs when both parties are fully engaged and attentive to each other’s words and mannerisms. This might seem obvious, but how many times have you had what you thought were engaging conversations only to find that either yourself or the other person later asked questions about what you said or you ask questions.

To be attentive to conversation, you must disengage from your distractions - thoughts, visuals, or sounds that take your focus away from the other person. These distractions are hard to eliminate; you might be at work, a sporting event, or any environment that can produce distractions.

Next time you are conversing, eliminate those things that take away your focus.


Because all of us want to be heard.  

Sunday, July 21, 2013

TV Shows

What is the problem with some of the shows broadcast on major networks?


Take a moment to analyze some of the shows on the three networks (ABC, NBC, CBS). Some shows will state a caution message on some of the more violent but the other shows no message at all, until you go into watching the show and in the middle you are shocked by some scenes you were not expecting. Some would be explicit enough to have a movie rating (R). 

Next time you watch a new show evaluate it. Is it immoral?