Thursday, February 22, 2024

Filtered Truth

Truth is truth. Right?

I have written several blogs about truth. Follow the tagline truth to see all the ways truth is manipulated. 

This post is about filtered truth. And just as a filter works on anything, it is meant to remove the unwanted and release the final wanted results. 

What makes this different from other forms of filters about truth?

Most filters are not 100% effective. Truth is always the truth 100% of the time.  With that defined, let's apply the two together. 

We seek truth every day.  It applies to all aspects of life, work, home, personal relationships, and most importantly, our faith. We have those truths in our lives that are known without a doubt. But we must seek and know other truths to make decisions and function in the world. This is where the filtered truth happens. 

Some examples:

Work: A procedure is explained to you by a supervisor, but it is filtered by only giving you part of the information needed to perform the task.  Why? Because there is power in knowing all the truth about information and procedures of a task.

Personal Relationships: We meet and interact with people all the time. We typically expect the truth in conversation, but the reality is that conversations are filtered. This could be for various reasons, both good and bad.

Faith in God: This one is very different from the other two. The truth in faith can be manipulated to work for an agenda that is wrong, as God tells us (Proverbs 14:25).  We must accept the truth of God. The Word as we know it comes from the Bible and the tradition of the spoken Word of the Apostles, which was passed down from generation to generation. This truth can be trusted to be unfiltered and good. God will not deceive us. He gives us all we need to know. It is up to us to discover and hear His absolute truth for us and to beware of filtered truth.

Photo - pixabay - R-steray      

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