Wednesday, November 29, 2023


A small hobby I have is stamp collecting.  I mainly collect used stamps.  This stamp is called a perfin, which stands for perforated initials.  It was once used in business to discourage theft of business postage.  

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Changing Temperatures

I haven't posted anything in a while. I'm trying to catch up on things I haven't done in the last several months. I'm not looking forward to the upcoming months. It's winter in the South. The colder temperatures are not something we generally have to cope with, but it can get frigid here.  There was a time last winter when it was sub-zero for almost a week. Rolling power outages didn't make the situation any better. The winter sets in from the end of December to the end of February.  

The end of November is here. I wanted to post more about Veterans and Thanksgiving. Still, we can do that any time as we all should in giving thanks for the many blessings and gratitude for the Armed Forces of the United States and the veterans that have contributed to the military might that America has known for 248 years.     

Thursday, November 9, 2023


 This month is dedicated to the Veterans and Thanksgiving.

They both seem to go hand in hand.

Also, the last month of fall.  I will probably post more pictures of the fall trees.  In this part of the South, November's colors are always brighter.