Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Effects of Cold Weather

The world's infrastructure is weak. As we go through the winter months, the weakness begins to demonstrate how behind we are in electricity and water management.

The recent freezing weather has stressed our systems and sometimes caused a complete breakdown in the age when we can develop new technologies overnight. 

Why can't we manage our utilities?  

I am nowhere close to having any knowledge of this topic, but those in the industry could create a failsafe system, or is this done on purpose (putting on my tin-foil hat). It does not make any sense! Suppose one does not have a power backup system. In that case, one would live in the 1800s as a pioneer in the west, with no electricity, limited water supply, communications, and limited travel. This should not happen in the technology age. 

Photo: pixabay - GDJ

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