Wednesday, November 17, 2021

What direction?


There seems to be some confusion about what direction the United States has in overall policies.

We hear in the media about how well the economy is going, and a 3 trillion dollar infrastructure package will not cost anything, and the crisis at our southern border is not an issue.

But we can see that it is not true, just going to the grocery store or the gas pump, the economy is in the worst shape since the Carter presidency. The massive spending our government is doing is out of control.  And who is going to pay for all of this?  the American people, either on the front end for the cost of supplies and services or in taxes.

But their could possibly be some hope to all of this but not without some long-term fight to stop this insane spending. Americans are going to have to really feel the cost and how its hits their monthly budgets.  I think most believe this is temporary and will be over soon.  I predict this situation will continue till the end of 2022.  Businesses are struggling with supply chain, and getting people to work (another topic in a later post) So, here is the hope, once we reach as a country the pain threshold of economic disaster. I believe democrats and republicans will agree and ousts the politician's that cause this mess. It will be hard because those politicians have been in office for a longtime and will not give up their political strong hold on our country.

2022 is the key to unlock the chains we are currently under and that key is to vote out those radical left socialist.

Vote to get our country going in the right direction.          



Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Film Noir


Definition: The term Film noir is French for 'black film or 'dark film was first applied to Hollywood films by French critic Nino Frank in 1946 is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and motivations.

November in the social media world is Noirvember month dedicated to recognizing this era in movies.

I have been a fan of the classic movies with a focus on those produced from 1930 to the mid 1960's. 

So, here is my top ten Film Noir movies.

  1. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
  2. His Kind of Woman (1951)
  3. Key Largo (1948)
  4. Criss Cross (1949)
  5. White Heat (1949)
  6. Too Late for Tears (1949)
  7. The Wrong Man (1956)
  8. The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
  9. D.O.A. (1949)
  10. High Sierra (1941)




Tuesday, November 2, 2021



I heard the other day, Biden is reducing the tariff on steel making it cheaper for foreign countries to import into the United States.  But when Trump was in office he increased the tariff making it more expensive to import.

So, which is better? Tariff or No Tariff

The United States needs to become more independent on goods and services.  We should not have to rely on foreign countries for things we can easily produce here.  When we rely on the import of goods we become dependent and that is not what makes us America.  We should be free to live and prosper in our capitalists' society.  We as Americans should only buy American made products, this creates more jobs, inspires new businesses and again makes us independent from foreign countries.

We are in the mist of a supply chain crisis that is only going to get worst. We could have fixed the problem but we are a little late on are response. If we had only been proactive in creating more products here but that's not the case.

How do we fix it?

Stop buying foreign products now, you will probably pay more for American made but in the long-run it will create more jobs, the price will eventually come down, and we can rid ourselves of this dependence on foreign countries.

Capitalism works only if we buy American.  

Buy local and buy often.

 Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay