Friday, October 22, 2021

The Response


The response to the madness of proposals from the liberals' in Washington should be countered with an aggressive response from the conservatives.  Yesterday, Biden made the statement in a townhall meeting, that he didn't care about our freedoms just wants us to get vaccinated.  

Freedom is what its all about, it is the foundation of our country we have the right to choose - to take the jab or not. People should not have to decide to either lose their job or take the shot. This president is dividing our country, not uniting it.  I believe he has an agenda to completely change the course of the future of the United States.

Conservatives, Speak up now !!    

Wednesday, October 20, 2021



Webster's Dictionary definition:


man·​date | \ ˈman-ˌdāt  \

Definition of mandate (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1to administer or assign (something, such as a territory) under a mandate
2to officially require (something) make (something) mandatory ORDERa law mandating recyclingalso to direct or require (someone) to do somethinga commission mandated to investigate corruption
The mandates for the vaccine are a direct attack on our freedom.  If you are vaccinated or not everyone should be outraged.  It is one thing to suggest to the American people to get the jab, but when it becomes a requirement to the point of people being fired from their jobs this is the attack on our freedom of choice and the move towards Marxism.
The mandate is official on November 9, 2021
What is the next mandate? 

Image by Larry White from Pixabay 

Monday, October 18, 2021

The City

 I have always lived in the suburbs of the city of Nashville TN. I remember the days when it was considered a small town with only one skyscraper and for many years it stayed the same.  Sometime in the mid 80's it began to transform into the major city that it is today.

So, why the post about the city?

The grow of Nashville almost seems to be out of control. Construction of new business buildings as well as apartments and condos are almost monthly and along with all of this brings people. 

Nashville in the early years before has always been a nice place to visit with southern hospitality as the main greeting. But as more people move here from larger cities they bring their culture and customs with them and try to change Nashville to conform to their pervious hometown.

But, that's is not the way it works. If people are moving here they should learn the Nashville way. There is no possible way for the city to conform to whatever city one might come from because its to many people.  At one time, 100 people were moving to Nashville on a daily basis.  I know there is no way to stop this its just my opinion.

Image by Garrett Hill from Pixabay       

Thursday, October 14, 2021


Our country is very divided and in many ways.  

First, the obvious political parties, Second, vaccinated or not vaccinated. Third, mask or no mask.

Theses three issues are in the news everyday since the pandemic started in March 2020.  It seemed at some point in the first few months we were all united. But since the vaccines came out, clear lines have divided the country.  I believe it is going to get worst as we get closer to the fall and winter months. But as of this month there is a trend, some states are seeing a decrease in infections. I not sure if this is an indicator of the end or its quite before the storm.

I believe this pandemic will end one day and we will need to look back at our history to see what we did right and wrong, because those who forget their past are condemned to repeat it. This virus came quick and has last a long time.  What will be the next event and more importantly will we still be divided?