Friday, November 20, 2020

Businesses Gone

I work in downtown Nashville and over the pandemic months I have seen many businesses closed their doors forever.

I went to most places for lunch. I got to know many of the people that worked there, not necessarily as friends, but a nice interaction with some kind people.  It is sad in many ways.  People have lost their jobs and businesses that were open for a long time are now closed. 

Hopefully, as time heals the wounds to the city's economy new businesses and people will come back.    

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Battle of Debates in the Political Parties

The battles of the election are in full attack mode.

Some say the election is over, others say its not.

What is the root cause of these battles?

The news is the primary instigator.  We receive are daily information in a wide variety of news formats, television, social media, and actual newspapers, all of these and more are affecting how we choose are battles of the debates about our differences.

Now with that said, some people are more prepared for debate than others.  And what I mean by debate is the discussion of the current political arguments.  I have learned that in any debate one must be able to understand and discuss the opposing viewpoints.

But here is the problem, if the only information received is one-sided you can not begin to understand the opposing viewpoint. And from that point on the battle begins.  People involved positions of government i.e., senate, congress and the presidency all have their opinion on how things should be ran, without giving any thought to the people who opposed them. So, to gather their weapons and to strengthen their armies their opinions are given to the news media or the recruiter's.  

People have a tendency to believe what they constantly hear or read and anything outside of the "normal news" must be wrong. The only way for the battles to end is a simple understanding of ones point of view.  I have had political discussions with those who completely disagree with me, but in the end it usually comes down to respect and a mutual statement of "we agree to disagree".   


Monday, November 16, 2020

Is this the Best of Times?

The world has dramatically changed in the last nine months. At some point I think a lot of people thought the COVID virus would have been over by now and life would go back to normal.  But it hasn't, and the future doesn't look any better.  The presidential election has not officially been declared by the electoral college and when that decision is official, I believe the United State will no longer be the same.

So, what is next?

In my opinion, if Biden gets into office we will have a nationwide lockdown and if the states do not agree, Biden will move to influence the mayors to do the lockdowns.  If Trump is elected, the state will have the freedom to either lockdown or open their state. The cites that are on lockdown will have to be influenced by the governors whether to open their cities.

My point here is, depending on who is in office will be the deciding factor on when we will make the recovery process back to the best of times.  

Just my opinion......