Thursday, October 29, 2020

Do Not Fear


"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."

Isaiah 41:13

Monday, October 26, 2020


Coffee is a must have

Just to get off the usual topic for awhile, and talk about one of my favorite beverages - Coffee.

It is the perfect drink in the morning particularly when blogging. I like almost all types of roast but almost always I take it black and nothing else.  Coffee has been around for centuries and continues to grow in popularity. 

So, the next your read the blog have a cup.  

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Businesses Need Us

 Businesses in America today needs our support.

The business of America is in great need right now.  We have an obligation as citizens to do what we can to buy products, use services, and to pay people to work for us. And to take this a step further, when buying products - to buy American. 

This might seems to be an obvious solution to bring back our economy but when the process of buying an item begins it creates a snowball effect in the supply chain.  

The product has to be made and those materials needed have to be produced which employees even more people and once those materials are created they have to be transported. This begins another process, trucks, trains, air transports, and ships at sea, all of this employees people. And when people are employed they in turn go out and buy products and the cycle of producing a single item starts again.

Buy American     

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Start of a Day


An important part of your day should always start with prayer.

The powerful action of prayer is underestimated.  The connection to God should be a normal part of a daily routine just like talking to friends or family. 

Because once prayer stops then the evil moves in sometimes unnoticed with small temptations and eventually you are not praying at all which would accomplish what the evil one wants, to separate you from God.  Battles for your soul take place every minute of every day. 

Prayer is the best weapon. A powerful prayer weapon, is the Rosary.  All throughout history the rosary has defeated the enemy many times and continues to do so today.

If you haven't been praying, start today, because it will save your soul.    

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Forever Changed ?

The pandemic will change the way we live our lives forever

I believe even after a vaccine for the virus has been implemented somethings will still stay the same and other parts of our lives will change drastically.  There will be people that will continue to wear mask. Some businesses will continue to require a mask before entering their establishment and they will have the right to refuse service. And to take this a step further, some cities will continue to have mandates to be enforced.  Businesses will give up office space and end their lease agreements to have employees work from home.

And the entertainment industry, will change venues, to a virtual concept instead of live events in a auditorium. Sports will be greatly be effected, the large gathering of fans that once filled stadiums will no longer exist. Again going to a virtual viewing of a game.  

Shopping will continue to expand to more online orders. Shopping Malls will close.  Grocery stores will become warehouse type buildings that will function as distribution points for the online orders.  Delivery drivers will become an expanding industry.

This can be an opportunity or an eventual end to an industry.   

Friday, October 2, 2020

COVID-19 Thoughts

 The first news story this morning - The President has the virus.

Some thoughts on the virus.  

I believe it is real and people are dying from it and there is no vaccine at this time.

Next, the day to day activities, people who are high-risk should wear a mask.  If you are healthy and maintain distancing you should have the option not to wear one. 

The mask could have always been worn in the past even during flu season along with the vaccine. But what make this so different in my opinion, is this is political.  

An example, the mayor of Nashville has fabricated the virus numbers to shut the city down plus he has included the prison population into factor in with the overall numbers to keep the city closed. I believe this is to receive federal dollars for the pandemic. I say open all the cities.  If you are at risk, stay home.

My point is at anytime we could die.  People die everyday from disease, flu, pneumonia and the list goes on and we try to prevent those types of illness. We should live everyday as if it was our last. Live your life.