Monday, September 28, 2020

Election Time

 In 36 days we will have an election for President.  This I believe will be the most important election in my lifetime. So, just a small rant about a statement that some people will make when asked who are they are voting for and why.  They will say "I'm voting for the man" (or woman).  What these people are not realizing is that person represents a party - democrat or republican.  Those parties represent a set of values and principles they follow. But if you ask any question to the folks that vote for the person about what they represent, they could not tell you. It just amazes me that there are people who vote this way.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Current State of Our Country

I can't remember a time when I've seen our country so divided. When you look at the Presidential polls for the election, it is almost split down the middle. In the past, the two main political parties have dominated at one time or another.  But this year is different. I believe the people who will decide the next President will be the independents, which on a side note truly belong to one of the two parties, a topic for another time.  Anyway, the election this year is very different from years past. The parties have clearly redefined their platforms, which makes the independents a voting factor.  Also, another voter that you will not hear about - the silent voter.  They do not participate in polls or talk about politics to anyone.  Our country is split, there is turmoil in the cities and both sides have strong opinions and will not sway their point of view. In 42 days America will vote and when the results are tallied and we have our President for the next four years this country will not be the same as it was before the pandemic.