Tuesday, April 30, 2019

NFL Draft

The NFL Draft was in town this past week-end. This pic somewhat describes the craziness of the Draft.

More about the NFL in a later post......

Monday, April 29, 2019


Just a short comment on being in good health.

I thank God for my good health. I posted yesterday about being outdoors and it is one thing I do not take for granted.

The physical ability to work outside is something I look forward to after the cold winter months.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


The weather is warming up and it is time to be outdoors. 

This is at least a reason why I haven't posted much this month. 

You need to be outside and to enjoy Gods creation. If you don't have a job outdoors and you are stuck inside for whatever reason you need those rays of sunshine.  

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Spring - the second renewal

Spring is the second renewal

We usually think of January as the time of the year for us to start a new with our resolutions which is true, we usually do. But Spring can also do the same as we transition from the harsh winter months to the renewal of spring. We can renew ourselves. 

We are coming to the end of Lent, a time of reflection and preparation for the Resurrection of the Lord on Easter Sunday. 

Take this time of the year to re-commit ourselves to God in prayer and to continue throughout the year.