Saturday, March 30, 2019


Will the advancement of technology ever slow down?

The changes that are currently in place with technology are advancing to the point where the mobile phones we buy today will be obsolete in a few months.

When will it slow down?

I realize the smart phone will always be in the improvement stage because that is what generates sales. 

But, technology like self driving cars, medical devices, security systems all have liability issues. 

Can we trust that the research has been complete.

Is it safe?

Saturday, March 16, 2019

It Will Work Out

Have you ever wanted something to change?

- job
- apartment or house
- health
- relationships

And the list could go on an on.

Sometimes, we can control what happens in our life and other things we can't. When we are faced with those issues we can't control, we have to have faith it will work out. I know the statement seems general, but if you have faith in God and believe your concerns should go away just ask him. Prayer is the start for us asking God what we want, but remember we are just asking and sometimes God has a different opinion on what is best for us. We might think we know what is best, but God is the one in charge and that will not change.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


The aging process is so gradual that I think most of us don't even realize as each year passes there is a very small part of our youth that goes away forever, that is the physical part. Even highly trained athletes will eventually lose the physical strength they once had in competition. 

The mental state, however I believe can stay youthful if we continue to use it to think through complex thought processes. We can also remember our youth. The good memories we had as kids. 

I believe that age is a state of mind, but not the physical part. Our physical part will age no matter how old we think we are and our minds can stay sharp and remember.   

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Lent starts this Wednesday. 

Have you reflected on what you are going to to do?

  • Give up something
  • Take on a particular task
  •  Pray more
  • Go to Mass during the week (Monday - Friday)
  • Give Alms
and the list could go on but the important thing to remember is Christ died on the cross for us. When we sacrifice something during the next few weeks, we can show our love to God.