Monday, January 28, 2019

Good Times Bad Times

These are the good times of our life.

For some people they would say this is the worst of times, but that depends on how you look at it and compare it to history.

Some examples of the worst of time historically:
  • Rule of the Roman Empire 
  • The Black Plague
  • Yellow Fever
  • Two - World Wars
  • The Civil War
  • Slavery
Yes, we have had bad times but every generation has to deal with the bad. 

My point here is, its tough living in the world today. And we will get through this time with prayer and looking for the good.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Library

The Public Library is the internet of the past. The time before computers, the library was the only real source of any information. Anyone in school who had to research a particular topic had to go to a brick and mortar building, look through hundreds of paper cards in the card catalog. (a large wooden box). You would go flip each card to find the dewy decimal number assigned to the book you wanted. Then you proceeded to find the book only to discover it was not what you were looking for and the cycle started all over again with the card catalog. 

Now-days, this seems old, but at the time it was a well-organized system of looking for books and information. Libraries across the nation are combining old with the new. Now computers have replaced the card catalog, but you still have to find your book. 

I still enjoy having an actual book in my hand. There is something about turning the pages that are reminiscent of researching a topic. The turning of pages back and forth to make sure you understood the words on the page. 

If you haven't been in a while, go to your local library you might discover something new.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Conservatism - just some points in what I believe

First the definition

From Websters Dictionary:  

conservatism noun

con·​ser·​va·​tism | \ kən-ˈsər-və-ˌti-zəm  \

Definition of conservatism 

1 capitalized

a: the principles and policies of a Conservative party

b: the Conservative party

2a: disposition in politics to preserve what is established

b: a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change

specifically: such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (such as retirement income or health-care coverage)

3: the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change

religious conservatism

cultural conservatism

     I would think that most Judeo-Christians would have this on their list. But some are luke-warm in their faith and do not subscribe to all the moral points of their faith. I chose God as my moral compass.

      This includes all of those family members as well as those very close to me.  

      I have always remained a patriot to the United States. Even when the political winds change I hold on to my conservative beliefs and work at changing or at least giving my opinion to those who disagree.

US Military
      This includes law enforcement and all those who serve and protect.

The Bill of Rights

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year

It's a new year and a new hope for things to come. Every year people set their resolutions and goals and only to come to an end in six months with nothing accomplished. Why are we so driven to do this in January? Well, it is a new beginning and we want to change some things about our lives. If you have made those resolutions stick with it you'll be a better person.