Tuesday, November 20, 2018


 Coffee - the liquid that wakes up and energies people all over the world. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Classic Country Music

I watched some of the CMA Awards show the other night. It was interesting to hear some traditional (classic) country music. I didn't care for the cross-over music because that is not county music. I realize the cross-over music is a way to attract folks over from other genres but they are calling this cross-over music county and it is not. So, hear is a a youtube of some great country songs.

Country Music

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What will the next 20 years be like

It amazes me how advanced technology has come in just 10 years. It is hard to comprehend what the next 20 years will bring.

Medicine - procedures, drugs...
Mobile technology - phones, computers, apps
Transportation - self-driving cars, aircraft.
Online retail - Amazon, grocery store.
GPS - devices, and apps.

And did I mention Apps...

Did I miss anything?


The changing in the seasons is now upon us at least for my part of the country. I always like the fall, temperatures are cool but not freezing. The winter on the other hand drives everybody indoors until spring. I'm sure once winter is here, I will be talking about it because I’ll be inside making blog entries about how cold it is outside. More on this in a few months.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


I have been working on a journal since 2013, it started as just random thoughts but has evolved. I use it now to describe my experiences of getting older and to share what I have learned over the years. I also want to use it to describe historical events that happened during my lifetime. One day long after I'm gone someone will may look at it as my small piece of history. Some of my blog entries here will come from my journals.  

Sunday, November 11, 2018


The Veterans of the United States have a special place in history.

Before my deployment to Desert Storm, my unit invited some Korean War Vets to share some of their experiences with the senior staff NCO's.  I remember hearing their stories about the difficulties they faced. Their war was a long time ago and the war was fought in a different part of the world. But the one message that applied then and now was leadership. They talked about leading and taking care of the Marines who were under their command.

Today, the veterans of the most recent wars will be here for our future military. They all take their place in history as some the great leaders of our American military.

The next time you see a Veteran thank them for their service to our great nation.   

Saturday, November 10, 2018

I Co. 3rd Blt. 24th Marines

My former Marine Corps Unit History

India Company, 3rd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division

Friday, November 9, 2018

Classic Movies - Military

Here is a list of my top classic military movies in no particular order and always subject to change

The D.I. (1957)

Patton (1970)

The Great Escape (1963)

The Flight of the Phoenix (1965)

The Sand Pebbles (1966)

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Priorities in Life

We should all have them, and every individual will be different.

Here are some of mine - just a short list

- Keep God first in your life never lose the connection with your creator.

- Pray everyday

- Love and help people in your life

- Seek good and avoid evil

-  Always learn - your are never to old to learn something new

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