Tuesday, June 3, 2014


cour·te·sy  [kur-tuh-see]

noun, plural cour·te·sies.

1.  excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior.

2.  a courteous, respectful, or considerate act or expression.

It seems from my observations that this is rare in society today.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Patriotism Quote

Patriotism must be founded on great principals and supported by great virtue.

- Henry Bolingbroke

Thursday, March 27, 2014


The decisions we make on a daily basis are important. Careful thought should be taken because the decisions we make today will effect tomorrow no matter how good or bad. Unless it is a life or death decision.

I believe as we grow older our decisions become more of a process of thought rather than a reaction to a situation, which sometimes are necessary. But decisions involving life changing events (marriage, career etc..) must not be made without some thought.       

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Frozen February

This has been the coldest winter that I remember.

It seems to be a pattern that I do not post much in the month of February. I guess the temperatures have affected my ability to write which is not saying much to begin with, so I'll try to make a better effort.

The weather has been extremely cold in my part of North America. This region normally has some mild winters compared to the Midwest. But for this month we have experienced some extreme temps for this area. The next few days forecasters are predicting another round of of temps in the teens at night.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cold Weather Conversation

The last few weeks has been extremely cold for the southern part of the United States. In most cases about 40 years since temperatures have dip this low - in the single digits.

One thing I've noticed is with the weather if it is hot or cold it will bring out conversation. Everyday since this cold snap I have had at least one conversation about the weather. I guess it is an easy topic to discuss with strangers, it is something we can all relate to - the fact we are all cold. The funny thing about this is after the cold has left, we will continue to talk either about how we are glad its gone or glad warmer weather has come. 

Is there any one single topic you can discuss with anyone that we all share in the experience?