Thursday, September 12, 2013

What's the Purpose?

I've been hearing in the news about college football players receiving money or special favors for playing on the team.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't college about getting an education and not about how much money you make while on the team.

In some conversations, some people believe the players should get paid. They are students, not employees. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Politically Correct

The fear of expressing how you feel about things seems to be today a common problem. People are trying to be politically correct. But the fact that people are not expressing how they think is causing problems in itself.

When we do not speak up on matters of concern in society we give in completely to those who have no problem with saying whats on their mind.

And the result of this action of being "politically correct"

Legal changes that will never return. Some people will say "that's progress" but I disagree. We have changes in society that are immoral and evil.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

In the News

I normally try to say positive in my post but I have to share my opinion on some current events.

The world is an evil place - there will always be at least one dictator over some country to cast a net of malevolence over the people.

I am talking about Syria.

Here we have a country where a mass killing has been committed and everyone is pointing at the other on who did it (Assad-Rebels).

The problem is now the US wants to get involved. This is a civil war. There are at least five different rebel forces fighting against Assad and that is not mentioning the unorganized groups. One of the five is Iran, who is friends with Russia.

The US should not get involved – it is a powder keg waiting to explode.

Our military is the greatest fighting force in the world. The air and naval power alone probably would be enough to settle the whole civil war, but again it would set off a chain reaction in the Middle East and escalate to a much larger World War.

Let us stay focused finish Afghanistan and regroup.