Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Conversation and Distractions

I did not realize how long it had been since my last post. Life sometimes either gets busy or just the routine of daily happenings.

Conversation and Distractions

Interesting topic, I think

I have noticed that real conversation occurs when both parties are fully engaged and attentive to each other’s words and mannerisms. This might seem obvious, but how many times have you had what you thought were engaging conversations only to find that either yourself or the other person later asked questions about what you said or you ask questions.

To be attentive to conversation, you must disengage from your distractions - thoughts, visuals, or sounds that take your focus away from the other person. These distractions are hard to eliminate; you might be at work, a sporting event, or any environment that can produce distractions.

Next time you are conversing, eliminate those things that take away your focus.


Because all of us want to be heard.