Saturday, January 21, 2012


Will the Smartphone make us unsociable?

I attended a business class several months ago to accomplish two things, to learn something and to network with business professionals. At our first break I was ready to network. I was ready to discuss the class or to connect with like-minded people, maybe even a job connection. But to my surprise every person in the class turned on their phone. I had a "regular" mobile phone. I wanted to network but it seemed as if I would disturb my classmates if I talked to them while they were using their Smartphone.

I experience often while on the elevator at work the unsociable side of Smartphone’s. People will automatically read their emails or surf the net. No greetings or conversations. Again, interrupting someone almost seems rude. I didn’t quite understand why everyone was so fascinated with their phones. I had a flip phone at the time and I thought I was somewhat current with the latest gadgets, until I decided to upgrade to a Smartphone.

I now have the latest in Smartphone technology. I understand now the fascination with this technology. I have the world at my fingertips. But one thing I will not do is be unsociable. I make conscience effort to not focus my attention on my phone when I'm interacting with people.

Smartphone’s can make us more sociable with Twitter and Facebook, but let’s not forget to turn off the phone and interact with the people around us.

Being sociable and interacting with one another is better when it is done face to face.