Saturday, August 20, 2011


I have been following the news lately on the status of the US Postal Service. The last update was that within the next 10 years the US Postal Service would be delivering only 3 days a week.

How did this happen? Historically, it started with the telegraph and overtime faxes and e-mails.

I'm the first to acknowledge that e-mail is very convenient. But, if I receive a hand-written letter in the mail I'm more apt to open it immediately, where as the flood of e-mails I'm more selective in what I open.

I can't image what it would be like not to have regular mail delivery or even worst no postal system as we know it today.

Think about it. We rely heavily on our infrastructure and if there is a total collapse meaning no electricity and no phones. Our only means of distant communication would be the mail system.

The next time you go to your mailbox think about how it would be if this was your only means of communication.

1 comment:

Adullamite said...

Aye that will be happening here also. Nothing to do with e-mail as far more junk is sent now than ever. It is mere cost cutting and profits for the shareholders. The customer who receives mail is the last one to be considered!