Thursday, March 31, 2011


What is a citizen?

1) an inhabitant of a city or town; exp: one entitled to the rights and privileges of a freeman

2) a member of a state

3) a native or naturalized person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to protection from it

4) a civilian as distinguished from a specialized servant of the state

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary

Why should we practice good citizenship?

Good citizenship should be practiced in every community. The good order of society comes from its citizens. The order of society is not necessary the voice of the people depending of the established government of that country. 

Citizenship in practice demonstrates loyalty to your country or state.

How does it apply in everyday life?

In applying citizenship we should:

.... looking out for our neighbor

.... being good neighbor

.... doing what is right

.... good moral standards

.... obeying the laws

.... volunteer in the community

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I recently watched a program about the human reaction to fight or flight. The test subjects were a SWAT team from the LA Police Dept. 

In the study, They monitored each team members heart rate, and breathing. The scenario was a simulated hostage situation.  The Team Leader was injected with Adrenalin to increase his heart rate to add stress to the simulation.

Once the exercise started, each members heart rate and breathing immediately increased. The team went through a realistic situation with loud noises, smoke, dark rooms and two assailants.

In the end the good guys win, but in reviewing the monitors, heart rates increased, but breathing leveled off and remain stable.  The SWAT team is continually trained on regulating breathing. This helps the oxygen flow to the blood enabling them to think clear and make quick decisions.

The exercise demonstrates the human ability to go beyond physical and emotional limits in stressful situations. The SWAT team resisted the flight mode of the human response and took control of their senses to respone to the fight.

The human response is not necessarly an automatic response. There is no limit to the human capaticy to achieve.  An Olimpic Weightlifter in their mind has no limit, just as the SWAT team could overcome fear.

We should always strive to achieve our best.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Leadership as defined by Merrian-Webster dictoinary:

  Definition of LEADERSHIP

1: the office or position of a leader

2: capacity to lead

3: the act or an instance of leading

4: leaders - the party leadership

We see leadership in action everyday and the action is not necessarily in a management or lead position.
The role can be filled by anyone that has a positive influence on another person. A co-worker can encourage another employee in helping on a difficult project. Communities as a group demonstrate leadership in efforts to improve their neighborhoods. Leadership in religious activities can provide positive direction in faith. 
Leadership as defined - the act or instance of leading - is not a position, it can be a moment in time. 
Examples - Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Rosa Parks.  They demonstrated their leadership by their actions.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Arcade Post Office American Flag

The American Flag
Arcade Post Office
Nashville, TN

The American Flag

The American flag represents a nation based on freedom.

I will be posting pictures of the American flag at various locations.

My intent is to demonstrate the honor given to the flag that represents the United States. The locations will be as small as a desk flag to large flags flying over prominent buildings.

The next time you walk pass a flag pole take note and think about what it represents


Time is constant it never changes. Why does time on some days speed up or slow down? In the course of a day the time varies depending on the events of the day.  In my younger days I thought time seem to slow down and nowdays seem much slower.   Why ? 

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Christian faith is not just in the act of going to church on Sunday.  It is the action from your faith. The Grace received from God is what drives us to do good and avoid evil. The Church is a community of faith that bonds us in unity with Christ and his teachings. The Bible is the true guide for all Christians no matter the denomination. The Old and New Testaments are timeless.  The study of Sacred Scripture is now and forever the guidebook for a good and moral life.     

Friday, March 18, 2011


Just some thoughts about change

The only thing constant is change

Every time we think that we are in the same old routine in the background change is taking place.

And then one day it seems as if change happen overnight, but in reality the change happen over a period of months or even years.