Sunday, January 18, 2009

Top Ten - Travel

Here are my top ten places I would like to visit. The list might change over the years but at this point in my life this is where I would travel.

Top Ten places I would like to visit:

10. Glacier Bay

9. Venice

8. Nile River

7. Tikal

6. Bavaria

5. Parthenon

4. Jerusalem

3. Vatican City

2. Amazon Rain Forest

1. Kilimanjaro

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blog Resolutions

Happy New Year
As we go into the new year, I would like to make a blog resolution.
For the year 2009, I plan on being more active in my blog entries. Here are some of my topics and themes I am planning for in 2009:
  • experiences during the week i.e.. work, sporting events, observations
  • my top ten's
  • places I have been
  • books/news stories I've read
  • interesting photographs
  • worthy causes
  • my favorite stamps from my collection
  • podcasting
  • guest blogger

I also plan to be more active in reading and commenting on some of my favorite blogs.

Happy New Year to All