Monday, September 28, 2020

Election Time

 In 36 days we will have an election for President.  This I believe will be the most important election in my lifetime. So, just a small rant about a statement that some people will make when asked who are they are voting for and why.  They will say "I'm voting for the man" (or woman).  What these people are not realizing is that person represents a party - democrat or republican.  Those parties represent a set of values and principles they follow. But if you ask any question to the folks that vote for the person about what they represent, they could not tell you. It just amazes me that there are people who vote this way.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Current State of Our Country

I can't remember a time when I've seen our country so divided. When you look at the Presidential polls for the election, it is almost split down the middle. In the past, the two main political parties have dominated at one time or another.  But this year is different. I believe the people who will decide the next President will be the independents, which on a side note truly belong to one of the two parties, a topic for another time.  Anyway, the election this year is very different from years past. The parties have clearly redefined their platforms, which makes the independents a voting factor.  Also, another voter that you will not hear about - the silent voter.  They do not participate in polls or talk about politics to anyone.  Our country is split, there is turmoil in the cities and both sides have strong opinions and will not sway their point of view. In 42 days America will vote and when the results are tallied and we have our President for the next four years this country will not be the same as it was before the pandemic.      


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Something Else

During the 4th of July my wife and I decided to take a break from all the craziness and travel the Natchez Trace for the day.  We wanted to do something else, not watching TV or staying update with the latest news. We wanted to escape.

The Natchez Trace is a National Park - watch and you'll understand why this was the place to go, an easy access to our history, no real planning to go and do something else.

Natchez Trace Parkway 

Monday, July 13, 2020

What is Next

As the pandemic seems to be the only thing in the news lately.

What is Next?

It does not look like there will be an end to this virus anytime soon. People are stressed out, their world has changed completely. I don't know of anyone who has not been affected.

I believe we all need to pray because our world is in constant change and only God remains constant - the Alpha and Omega - the beginning and the end.  We can pray just as those in the past who have gone through pandemics, plagues, wars and disasters.  People have always turned to God, because God is Hope without hope we have nothing. Prayer is powerful and if we all pray to our Creator our hopeful prayers will be answered. 


Thursday, July 9, 2020


The month of July

The patriotic month for the United States.

But it has not seemed so patriotic with groups of people trying to dismantle our history. The history of the United States is what we have, good or bad its ours.  And with our history we learn how to make life better for us now and in the future. 

This time of protest is the first for me in my life to experience the un-patriot. America has within always had differences in opinions but the disrespect I have seen to law, various institutions, history, and the American Flag has been troubling. I realize that not all of America feels this way. The silent majority is quite and observing. I believe the reserved citizens will not take this anymore. Peaceful protest will begin, and the introverted majority will come out and unite against this disrespect for our country.

Friday, June 26, 2020


The Freedom of Speech

A gift from the writers of the Bill of Rights.

Our freedom to speech and freely assemble is what makes our country great.  But when this right turns into violence and looting and destroying property it ceases to to be a right and turns into breaking the laws that govern us.  These laws just like the Constitution and Bill of rights are here to protect us, to protect our freedom.

Continue reading my post from Oct 2007 

Thursday, June 25, 2020


At this point I would have thought the pandemic would have been almost over.  I will say that more people are out and about, but there are still some restrictions on the gatherings and social distancing around the US. 

The pandemic has been hard and to make matters worst we now have protest which I will not get into on this post.  We are the United States of America.  During any crisis we have come together and united without the political or any of the other views that have separated us in the past. We have always stood united.  I pray we will come out of this crisis a better country.   

Monday, June 15, 2020

Before and After

Just a few thoughts about about this point in time, our history.

I believe that the COVID-19 will mark a point in our lives when we will talk about time in terms of was that before or after the pandemic. Because it has effected every particle of the day-to day activities, from what happens at home, workplaces, restaurants, sporting events and the list could go on and on.  History will record how well we survived, the good and bad decisions, medical history in case this happens again.  All the lessons will be our history to go the books for future generations to read. 

I wonder how history will describe this event?  

Sunday, May 17, 2020

To Stay or Not to Stay

To stay or not to stay that is the question

As our country's economic heart starts to beat again which means more people are going out to spend their dollars. 

Do we stay at home? Thinking this is not over, the virus is still here. 


Do we leave and go about a somewhat normal way of how we did things?

So, here my rant about this - I live in Nashville and the county is still under a semi stay at home order. The few businesses that have opened are only accepting a few customers. Meanwhile, all the surrounding counties have opened. If I wanted anything that was not offered in Nashville I could drive to another county and get it and return to home.

How does this protect the citizens of Davidson County?

It doesn't because I could assure there are plenty Nashville folks going to other counties. It will be interesting to see what history tells us about the mistakes.


Friday, May 15, 2020


United We Stand 

As the country re-starts the economy. Now everybody has an opinion about the pandemic whether it's who to blame or this or that could have been accomplished differently, it does not matter. We need to unite just as we did in the first few weeks when everybody was at home and the streets were empty. We seemed to be united during that time because we in someway suffered together. 

The unemployment rate is the highest in years. We can all unite putting all political differences aside. Everyone needs to safely go out and buy goods and services in their local economy. This will jumpstart our cities bring the unemployment down and pumping dollars back for the rebuilding of America.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


This Bluejay is determined to get one of the last peanuts. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


In the upcoming months what will it take to rebuild?

Once the businesses start to fully open, we will have to go out and support the businesses in our local economy. The support we give by spending our dollars in these businesses will open the opportunity for employees to come back to work, for vendors to start selling and delivering supplies. This action will have a ripple effect. Our time out spending will greatly affect our nation's economy. 

Next, I believe it is important to buy American, buy the products made in the USA and again the effect - employment opportunities and the economy grows in our own country. We should be able to support ourselves as a nation and not depend on another county for products that could easily be produced here.

Friday, May 1, 2020

May Change

The first of May, could this be the month of change?

I hope this month will be the beginning of the world getting back to some normal ways of everyday life. I pray that God will help us all through this pandemic. We must all have faith and pray for those with the virus and well as for those taking care of them. Take time to call someone who might be alone. We are here to help each other.