Friday, July 8, 2022


 Continuing from the last post...

Should journalists/media report all the news, good or bad?

I believe they are responsible for reporting both because they are lying to us if they don't. They are withholding the truth.

The news is so biased it is hard to decipher what is true and what is not.

Just my opinion...


Wednesday, July 6, 2022



July - America's month

On the 4th, we celebrated our independence, which I believe most people take for granted.  Our independence from England allowed us to form a new nation based on freedoms and rights for individuals written in the words of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

One freedom that is exercised every day is the freedom of speech. We see and hear this in the news, on social media, and on this blog.  Some people could only dream of being able to voice their opinion about whatever they wanted without being persecuted or arrested. 

Freedom is a God-given right, and those who live with this freedom should thank God every day.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Soylent Green

I haven't seen this movie yet, but it looks interesting, made in1973, about the year 2022.  The plot summary below seems to echo what is in the news currently.

Soylent Green (1973)

Plot Summary by Mystic80

A tale of Earth in despair in 2022. Natural food like fruits, vegetables, and meat, among others are now extinct. Earth is overpopulated, and New York City has 40 million starving, poverty-stricken people. They only survive with water rations and eating a mysterious food called Soylent. A detective investigates the murder of the president of the Soylent company. The truth he uncovers is more disturbing than the Earth in turmoil when he learns the secret ingredient of Soylent Green.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Reasonable Conclusion

What is really dividing our Nation?

The United States is clearly divided on the issues of the decisions made by the Supreme Court.


Two groups of people have existed since this country's founding. But who is right or wrong? Either side will point to the other and say they are wrong. So, how does one determine the right side?

First, we have to openly look and hear both sides. Once the facts have been determined to be accurate, one can come to a reasonable conclusion.  Now, this might seem too easy, but the problem is people do not listen; their predetermined minds have already decided the answer. 

The bottom line is people have stopped listening. They do not want to know the truth. I realize people have experiences, traditions, and history that shape their thinking.  But for a civilized society to function, we must listen to one another, and clearly, not all will agree - what is the absolute truth?       

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Praise God

The ruling on Friday (Roe v Wade overturned) was on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

God still works miracles for those who pray. 

St Teresa of Calcutta - "Do not let the past disturb you. Leave everything in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and begin again with joy." 

Lets us say a few extra prayers of thanksgiving for this gift.


Saturday, June 25, 2022

Bluebirds 3


The heat was too much for the bluebirds for several weeks, with temperatures in the upper 90s and a few days above 100 degrees. This is all that is left, and this one egg will probably be gone soon. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Higher Decisions

It has been a topic for the last several days about when The Supreme Court will make its final decisions about several controversial issues.

The Justices have a critical role because their decisions will affect the laws of the land that will apply to every citizen; it is the final word. The main branches of our government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, are entirely separate; no one department has power over the other. 

But I predict if their decisions go the way I believe, the President and the Legislative branch will somehow find a way to reverse their decision.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The First Day of Summer

Today is the official day of Summer.

The time of the year when most people are busy doing what they love outdoors, except those who work outside. God bless them; they have a hard job working in the elements all year.

I think most people enjoy the summer because everything seems to come to life, gardens are growing, lawns are being mowed, and people are boating or spending more time at the beach.

I say this from the perspective of someone who has experienced all four seasons, so I look forward to the warmer months. I'm not a fan of cold weather. 

So, Happy first day of Summer.

Photo: Image by Tim Hill from Pixabay

Friday, June 17, 2022

The Distraction

I would believe if you asked anyone on the street, what is the one thing that worries you the most?

I don't think it would be the Jan 6th hearings.  The media has gone to the point of broadcasting the event on primetime evening television; nobody cares.  Let's move on; problems like the economy are affecting everyone.

This is an apparent distraction from the reality of the failed policies of the Biden administration.  Plus, this distraction is a straightforward build-up to the November elections. The hearings will focus on what is terrible about the conservatives.


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Live PD / On Patrol Live

A few years ago, there was a TV show called LivePD on the A&E network.  I was a huge fan until the network decided to take it off the air because of all the George Floyd protests. 

This was a huge mistake; the fan base was a big part of the popularity; typically, on a Friday or Saturday night, it would trend on Twitter.

Anyway, it's Back on the air!!

The new show is called "On Patrol: Live" on the Reelz channel.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022


What's up with the heat?

And no, it's not climate change.

Just a short opinion

I don't believe in climate change.  The weather has been changing since the earth was created.  Oceans levels, temperature changes, and storms have always existed and changed yearly. And for those that believe the United States is contributing to the pollution causing the change. 
They should look to China first, where the pollution is so bad that wearing masks has become the norm.  

Thursday, June 2, 2022



June is the official month of summer.

Each month, there is a particular theme that lasts the entire month. In the past, each month usually had a holiday, or it was the preceding month for a change in seasons.

I think we should go back to those days; the current themed months for the year are out of control to the point where businesses change their logo to fit a particular cause. 

What is next? a cause or theme for the week.  

And another note, the traditional holidays have taken a backseat and are no longer part of each month. Example: Christmas, a holiday that is celebrated worldwide. When was the last time you saw a business change its logo for Christmas? Have their employees inserted Merry Christmas into their email signature?


Image by 2023852 from Pixabay 

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Bluebirds 1

The second nest but in a different bird house.

More to come....


Monday, May 30, 2022

Friday, May 27, 2022

What is the cause?

The world seems to be going crazy. All the recent tragic events have been the root cause of evil.  Everyone is trying to analyze the true causes and blame, but the real presence of demons is the real cause.

God did not create us to be evil. We are born into this world as good as God intended, but evil does exist and influences the world.

We must pray every day to guard against evil.

St. Michael Prayer

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls.  Amen.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Capitalizing on Change

The pandemic completely changed the way we do business.  The opportunities to reinvent the way we do business have a massive potential for entrepreneurial investments. 

Probably the most significant change is the working-from-home environment.

Here is just a short list of ways someone could invest:

  • The home office - items could be either rented or purchased.
  •  Home office warehouse - distributing office furniture like desks, cabinets, etc. for a corporation; these items would also be retrieved once an employee leaves the company.
  • Office supplies - a growth opportunity for companies like Staples and Office Depot for home delivery.

What will be the next opportunity to expand?

Can a current distributing company expand to cater to home-office opportunities?

This is the American way - capitalism at its best


Monday, May 16, 2022

The Culture of Business Now

The internal working environment before the pandemic was a traditional office culture of a desk, phone, and computer in an office or cubicle and, depending on the position, maybe had a few more office perks. Most people working in an office thought the pandemic would be over in a few months and everything would return to normal. But now, as people have returned after working from home for over two years have discovered the culture of business has changed.

Now - going into the office to do a day's work is inconvenient. The common practice of working from home is the norm. 

Now - Meetings are no longer conducted in a conference room with everyone present in their business attire. Meetings are via zoom call from a home office, kitchen, den, or wherever is the most comfortable. And the dress depends on who's in the meeting but could range from extremely casual to suit and tie.

Now - the hours of sitting in rush hour traffic are gone. One could live hours away from the office or live in another country.

Now - the office lunch bag is gone; an employee could cook their lunch in their own kitchen.

This could go on and on, but the culture of a business office has changed forever, which brings up the next topic - how can new business ventures capitalize on this changing culture? 

Photo: louisehoffmann83/pixabay