Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Change is coming

The conservatives have taken control of congress, lookout progressives, and the wave of investigations is coming. First on the agenda is securing the border. Who would have thought this to ever be an issue, but the last few years of a completely open border have created an invasion never seen in the United States. I can only hope that a republican congress can reverse or at least stop and ultimately close the southern US border.  I'm not sure it can be done without the signature of Biden, but at least it should get the attention of the general public which has been somewhat censored. The media and the white house press have controlled the narrative and downplayed the real problem.  I believe the progressive media outlets will at least cover the press releases from congress, critique the conservative opinions, and maybe change the minds of some liberals. 

photo: pixabay   

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Mystery Movies

 Top Ten Mystery Films

10. Keeper of the Flame (1942)

9. Seven Keys to Baldpate (1929)

8. Harper (1966)

7. Citizen Kane (1941)

6. Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)

5. The Thin Man (1934)

4. And Then There Were None (1945)

3. Rear Window (1954)

2. The Maltese Falcon (1941)

1. Gaslight (1944)

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Overflowing Politics

 The news is overflowing with politics.

  • The midterm election results are still being counted.
  • Donald Trump announces that he will run for president in 2024.

  • Kevin McCarthy is elected by the GOP as the next Speaker of the House.

  • Ron DeSantis overwhelmingly wins re-election as Governor of Florida. 
  • Joe Biden goes to China.
  • John Fetterman was surprisingly elected as Pennsylvania Senator.
I'm sure I will have some comments about one or more of the above headlines in the upcoming days. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Still Counting

 As the votes are still being tallied. The anticipation of who will control the House and Senate is still unknown.

However, the outcome of the fight for freedom will continue.  The price of freedom is not easy. It's not something that everyone agrees to. Political opinions have always been a topic of discussion. It is the American way. But I'm deeply concerned if the House and Senate go democrat. Then the days of opinions of anything opposite the liberal viewpoint will be censored. And the only reason I say this is because this is a current practice of the Biden administration.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Priority Vote

The day before the most critical election in recent times. 

This post is specifically for the conservative citizens in the United States.

I realize that sometimes it's challenging to get to the polls because of the balance of time, family, and work. But this election day should take an absolute priority. If you have been current with the news over the last two years, you have clearly seen the agenda the progressives want to accomplish. And most of their legislation has been stopped by the Senate because of the conservative majority. I do not need to remind everyone how radical those laws, if passed, would be, a radical shift in American policies that could never be restored.

Tomorrow make your vote count and help restore America back to the Great country it is - Vote Republican.

Photo: amberzen - pixabay 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The Apostles' Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, And sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from hence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen. 

Saturday, November 5, 2022


For those of us who are spending a good bit of our life working, there will come a point when the daily grind of getting up and reaching the point of spending eight hours of your life trying to earn a few bucks to pay the bills will come to an end. I would think most people would eventually look forward to retirement. Because the days of pursuit and accomplishments will soon wain. The new days of retirement will settle into everyday life. How one looks at retirement will vary from person to person. I'm not at the point of retirement, but it's just around the corner. I believe retirement should be a time of adventure and discovery; for all the years someone works and wishes to have more vacation time, the retirement years are just the beginning. I will admit retirement will be difficult. It's a significant life event. And I do not want to work until I'm too old to adventure about, and I do not want to retire early; just not ready yet. Either way, it's something for me to look forward to another chapter in my life.

Photo - geralt - pixabay 


Tuesday, November 1, 2022


November is the month to honor Veterans. 

Most would think November is the month of Thanksgiving or the pre-Christmas month. But I see it as the month for veterans because, without the veterans, we would not have all those freedoms we experience throughout the year.  People take for granted and not really thinking about those who served in our military to protect our country's freedoms. My wife and I always make time for our local Veterans Day parade.  We had experienced times when just a few people came to the parade. It was a sad experience seeing World War II vets walking in the parade waving at the small gathering of groups of supporters on the sidewalk. These guys put their life on the line for us and were willing to take the possibility of dying for our country. The sidewalks should have overflowed with people waving back at them and expressing gratitude.  

Why has our country come to the point of going overboard, celebrating every ethnic and LGBTQ group throughout the year? And barely giving any notice to the US Veteran. The patriotism for our country and those who serve it has disappeared. And those of us who have served and known the sacrifices our military makes every hour of every day can't express how grateful we are to the heroes of the past and present. 

I hope more people will come to local Veterans Day celebrations this year. 

Thank a Veteran!

Photo: BrianPenny - pixabay