Friday, June 26, 2020


The Freedom of Speech

A gift from the writers of the Bill of Rights.

Our freedom to speech and freely assemble is what makes our country great.  But when this right turns into violence and looting and destroying property it ceases to to be a right and turns into breaking the laws that govern us.  These laws just like the Constitution and Bill of rights are here to protect us, to protect our freedom.

Continue reading my post from Oct 2007 

Thursday, June 25, 2020


At this point I would have thought the pandemic would have been almost over.  I will say that more people are out and about, but there are still some restrictions on the gatherings and social distancing around the US. 

The pandemic has been hard and to make matters worst we now have protest which I will not get into on this post.  We are the United States of America.  During any crisis we have come together and united without the political or any of the other views that have separated us in the past. We have always stood united.  I pray we will come out of this crisis a better country.   

Monday, June 15, 2020

Before and After

Just a few thoughts about about this point in time, our history.

I believe that the COVID-19 will mark a point in our lives when we will talk about time in terms of was that before or after the pandemic. Because it has effected every particle of the day-to day activities, from what happens at home, workplaces, restaurants, sporting events and the list could go on and on.  History will record how well we survived, the good and bad decisions, medical history in case this happens again.  All the lessons will be our history to go the books for future generations to read. 

I wonder how history will describe this event?