Saturday, August 31, 2019

Three Words

Faith - Hope - Love

Three words we can live by everyday. Sometimes its hard and sometimes it's easy but all three everyday. These virtues can be applied to the things we do - at home - at work - or to anyone we meet. But more importantly God wants us to live by theses words. He wants us to live our lives while our short time here by the commandments he has given us. But if we are having difficulty then maybe theses three words are a place to start - Faith Hope Love.

Putting them in practice in our lives doesn't even have to start with interaction with those around us. Faith, by praying everyday. Hope, by living what God commands us so we will one day come in union with Him in heaven. And Love the greatest commandment - to love God with all your heart.

Three words to live by.....    

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Growing Old

Growing older is an odd statement I think most people when they think of something growing its associated with new life, a baby growing, a seed growing into a plant. But growing older doesn't seem to go along with new life. I see as the same we are always growing even in the later stages. We should always want to improve ourselves, both physically and mentally just as we did in our younger days. Aging is not the end it is a discovery of a new stage of life. 

There is always something new to learn.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


A powerful word - commitment
How much commitment is in our life?
Are we fulfilling our obligations?
Just something to think about. 


com·​mit·​ment | \ kə-ˈmit-mənt  \

Definition of commitment

1aan agreement or pledge to do something in the futurecommitment to improve conditions at the prisonespecially an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date
bsomething pledgedthe commitment of troops to the war
cthe state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelledcommitment to a cause
2aan act of committing to a charge or trust: such as
(1)consignment to a penal or mental institutionfiled a petition for commitment
(2)an act of referring a matter to a legislative committee

Monday, August 26, 2019

The People You Meet

The people we meet every day could possibly be those we might establish a lifelong friendship.
True friendships are hard to find. I have had friendships with those I have met at work, church, meetings, and just about any place people gather. But as I grew older life took its turns going in different directions and some of those friendships have faded away. Since then I try to look at everyone I meet as friend. I have to say my one true friend in my life is my wife, the one who knows me inside and out - the one that I love.

Take time to interact with everyone you meet. Look up from your phone occasionally and talk to those around you. 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

In Service

Last month police officers in New York were attacked/insulted by a group of people in the area where they responded. Anyone following the news or YouTube could not miss the story of complete disrespect for law enforcement.

Just a few comments...

I put anyone in the professions of emergency services - police, firefighters, paramedics, EMT's in the same category as the military because they are first responders. They rush to an emergency when we need them. And they put their lives on the line every day for us. How many occupations can have that in their job description?  So, how can anyone disrespect someone who might come to save their life in a time of crisis? I just don't understand.

Pray for our first responders